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I hear it in the silence of my mind
I feel it in the depth of my bones
I see it in the tears it leaves behind
It's like my flesh is burning
My muscles aching
I breathe a sigh of relief once I let it out
Even though the process feels like I might see my insides
But sometimes I fall in love with it
Wishing it could devour me from the inside out
Oh what a price to pay as a woman
Was it because She was the one who came in contact with the snake
Or was it even a snake?
What if just like the word man which was broadly used for mankind is now used to describe only the male homosapiens
What if the perception we have of the snake now was not like they did then
Would Adam have to go through the same thing had he switched places with Eve?
It was easy, man sweats to find bread while woman sits to bear children
Such a simple way of life like a contractual transaction
Now he wants a career woman, yet she has to sweep, cook and bathe him
He doesn't want a feminist because she's too stubborn
He doesn't want a housewife because she demands too much
What do you want?
Stop being a hypocrite
That's one thing a girl is taught to endure throughout her life
Always apologize no matter who's wrong
Tossed around by your partner yet keep quiet as a sign of honor and respect
Experience excruciating pain every month yet don't be lazy and keep your head high
Do the duties of a housewife but make sure to be an independent career woman
But just being a career woman has its own struggles
Some have to spend sleepless nights studying and tiresome mornings doing chores to achieve success
Some women's dignity is put on the line and questioned
They say marriage is shipikisha club
But I say, just being a WOMAN means more than endurance
Married or Single, womanhood is more than what it seems

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