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It pours
Taking all the impurities with it
All the insecurities release
How I wish it could erase all the traces of your touch from my skin
All your smiles from my mind
All your burning kisses on my skin
How I wish this coldness can calm my inner self as my blood rushes with anxiety
How I wish to be like the clouds
Letting go of the heavy burden and darkness with heavy tears
Watching my wounds heal as the clouds part
Watching my pain fly away as the birds do
Watching new hope arise as the roses bloom
Standing tall like a tower
So confident and noticeable from afar
Now my confidence withers away
Only clinging to myself for support
Alone but with a crowded mind
Solace, not anymore found
You are my peace
Your absence, my restlessness
In a crowd I fade away
I'm a stranger to myself
No longer known
Without purpose like a pen with no ink
I'm tired of trying to be strong
Holding on to the crumbling pieces
I want to feel the pain
Embrace the hurt
Feel the resentment
Scream out loud
From the top of my lungs
I want to have a taste of the tears I've been keeping in
Maybe then I won't fade away

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