Chapter 1

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*picture of Harold on side! :) *



"Dad I don't know why you are doing this-" I said as we were walking out to his truck. We were going out for supper with my new house mate, Harry. I have never met him before, but I already strongly disliked him.

It was a Thursday, a year ago, when 2 cops barged into our geography class in grade 11 and handcuffed him and took him to jail. So, he had finally worked his way out of jail, and it just so happen, my dad was the only brave cop to give him a damn roof over his head.

"Jessie, we haven't done anything new and interesting since your mom and brother-" and he trailed off, which was typical. My mom and my younger brother died in a car crash.


"Jessie, mommy and I are going to the store, want to come with?" My little brother, Joey had said hovering over the bed.

"Josh! It's 9 AM! Get out of here!" I had yelled at him. And that was it. He walked out, and him and mom drove to the grocery store.

I was straightening my hair in my bathroom, when my Dad came running upstairs falling to his knees, crying his eyes out.

"Jessie, they're gone." Was all he could say.

"What?" I asked, confused about what he was talking about.

"Joey, your mom."

The tears almost became endless. They started, and I thought they would never stop. My mom was looking in the rear-view mirror, talking to Joey, and hit a semi. Both instantly dead.

**End Of Flashback**

I twirled my long brown hair in the front seat waiting for my dad to start the truck. I still wasn't pleased about this whole situation. I knew what this Harry guy, was up to. And believe me, I was hoping and praying I wouldn't be his next "parade of girls."

"Jessica, it'll be fun. Now stop pouting." I shivered at his words. It wouldn't be fun. It would be far from it. I had saw the things Harry had did, he had got a new girlfriend basically ever week, then dump her by the end of it, and start with a new one. But here was the twist, whoever said they wouldn't date him, always did. And no matter what happened, you would always fall for him. He seemed to twist you in, and pull you in. I was scared I would fall for him. I was scared, even with my amazing boyfriend, Mike.

Mike and I had been dating for about 2 years now. He had short brown hair, always spiked up. Perfect blue eyes, and just perfect everything. I just didn't want to loose him.

We pulled up to the restaurant, Dad and I walked into it, and took our seats. We waited almost a half an hour before a very attractive lad walked through the doors, with brown swooped curly hair, green eyes, muscles that basically popped out of his chest, and an orange beanie that hung on his head. I was already terrified of him.

He made his way around the tables, before he spotted my dad, and walked over towards us.

"Hello Harry, I'm John Armstrong!" My dad said in his smiling face, that I knew was fake, and told him to sit down. Dad kicked me under the table, I looked up at him. He mouthed to me "Introduce yourself."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm Jessie." I said and smiled.

He nodded, "Harry," was all he said. Not long after that, his eyes wandered down to my chest, which was covered with a camisole and supposed to-be zipped up sweater. I reached over the table to his chin and pushed it up, to get his eyes off it.

What was it, 5 minutes, and he's already pissed me off? Great.


Hi guys! This is my first fanfic, so I know it might not be amazing, and I know it's short, but I'll update it soon! PROMISE!

Thanks for reading! :) xox

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