Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


We arrived back at the house, Jessie was sound asleep, so I chuckled to myself and I walked over to her side of the car and lifted her out and carried her inside. John wasn't home so it was just me and Jessie. I opened the door to their home, and set her down on the couch, I kissed her forehead, and I walked over to the kitchen to get a snack, seeming as our dinner got interrupted. 

"Dad, is that you?" She asked. 

"No, it's me," I replied.  She got up from her sleep and waved her hand over to me, and motioned for me to go over and sit beside her. 

"Thanks Harry, for everything," she said. 

"I'm sorry Hun, that things didn't turn out as planned," I replied.  She smiled, and closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep.  This was the night, I felt as if I connected with her. And I felt as if she really wanted to have me around. I would protect her, I just wanted her to know that.   


Ya, my eyes were closed. But, that doesn't mean anything. I was trying my hardest to put everything together. None of it made sense, and I was really confused. Most girls after a breakup, dread it. And they cry and cry until they have no more tears left. But me, I was sad of course, but the thing was, Mike had slapped me and pushed me. I really didn't want him near me. The only thing I was worried about at the time was Harry. He had basically saved me, but he was a delinquent. I had seen the things he had did to girls, I didn't want to be one of them. What would my father say if I told him my feelings for Harry? What would everyone else say? What would Allie say? Especially Harry, what would he do?

"Harry?" I asked, I wanted to talk to him. Not, the delinquent Harry, the one I saw tonight. 

"Ya?" He called, walking over to me. 

"How do you know if you're in love?" I asked, yes, silly question. But, I was curious. 

"You just know, there is a special feeling you get. I don't know how to describe it, but you just know," he said. 

I smiled, "Have you ever been in love?" I asked. He hasn't even been there for a day, and we were having a deep conversation.  He got up over to the fridge, and he pulled out a can of beer. "Harry?" I asked, I was confused. 

"If we're having a conversation like this, I need to be drunk, I don't want to remember any of this," he replied.  After a couple of minutes of him chugging down his beer, he walked over to me and said, "So, what did you ask me again love?" 

I giggled, "Have you ever been in love?" 

"Oh right, well in grade 10, I was. Her name was Louise, and I loved her more than anything. I protected her, like I do to you. She was different, or I thought she was. We were at a party, and she said she had to go to the bathroom, so she excused herself. After about 10 minutes, I started to get worried," he was starting to look upset, "so, I walked up to the bathroom, and I saw it was empty. I started to get scared, I walked downstairs and looked everywhere. I finally asked someone if they had saw her. And they said she was having sex with the quarterback." 

"I'm sorry-" I started to say but he continued on.

 "I ran up to the bedroom, and the beat the crap out of him. I was kicked out of the party, and I was kicked out of the home I was living in, everyone was not happy." 

I put my head on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, Harry." I replied, "For everything." 

"Don't be, I'm sorry the date turned out pretty crappy," he smiled. 

"It was a lot of fun, until I ended up on the ground," I chuckled. My mind wandered back to what I was thinking about earlier. Did I like Harry? Or was I just wanting him to get my mind off Mike?  No, wait. I liked him before. Mike screwed me over tonight. I do like Harry. I need to tell him.  "Hey Harry," I asked. 

"Yes babe?" 

"Umm..well after tonight, I realized I am sort've crushing over someone,"  He smiled, "Don't worry, I'm crushing over someone too," he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. I winced, that's the cheek that Mike slapped me on.

"Ouch," I said. 

"Oh, sorry." He smiled. I looked at the clock, it read 10:30, and I just remembered we had school the next day. 

"Umm..we should probably get to bed," I said. 

"Ya, don't want to be late for school tomorrow," he said and smiled. He lifted me up and carried me upstairs into my bed.

After I was settled into my bed, he leaned forward and whispered, "Night babe, I love you."

"Night," I said. I don't really know if I was in love yet, but I was pretty damn close. 

He grunted and turned around to walk back into the hallway to go to bed, "no love you back, ouch," he muttered to himself.  I felt so bad, he planned this whole night for me. And it turned out so crappy. I did really like him, but I didn't know if I loved him yet. 

"Harry, come here," I said. 

"Yes?" He asked. His tone sounded upset and frustrated. 

"I do like you a lot, I just don't know if I love you yet," I replied.

He smiled, "thanks baby," he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. "I know that, I love you, just take your time," he said. 

"Thanks Hun," I said. And with that he smiled and went back to his room. I could hear him singing, even with my door and his door closed. He was a good singer, his voice was so perfect and it sounded like angels from above. A couple more days, I would know for sure if I was in love.  I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep, but I heard him singing more. 

"Baby, it's not just you, you know it hurts me too, watching you leave, with tears on your sleeve, notice that mine aren't exactly dry, baby it's not just you, it's turning out, to be me too." 

My eyes flung open, I needed to call Allie. The phone rang and rang, I looked at my phone it read 11:00, she had to be awake. 

"Hello?" She asked.

"Allie! I need to talk to you," I said. 

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"No, I need to talk now-" I said. 

"Spit it out," she said with a yawn. 

"I'm single, and I like someone," I said.   


  I heard her talking to someone, so I got out of my bed, and ran out into the hallway and pushed my ear up against her door, "I'm single, and I like someone," she said. It had to be me.  Whoever she was on the phone with must've asked her who, because shortly after, Jessie said "Harry, but please don't tell anyone. I really like him, but I just don't want him to treat me like he does to every other girl," she said. 

Me? Me treat her like everyone else? She has to know that I wouldn't do that. She is different, and unique. I would not treat her the same. I just had to show her that. Not just tell her.  She hung up the phone, and everything suddenly went quiet.  "I love you baby," I whispered to her door. "Sweet dreams."  

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Well guysss, the romance is starting to bubbllleeee, her is goesssss! woohooooo! ~alllyyy 

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