Chapter 2

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*picture of Mike on side*



Dad walked up to go to the bathroom, so I was stuck with the delinquent until he got back.

"So, babe, tell me about yourself," he said, and smiled. I quickly realized he had a dimple that was quite noticeable.

"Jessie. My name is Jessie, and I have a boyfriend, that's all you need to know." It came out more coldly then I expected, but still, I wasn't looking for love from him, because I have Mike.

"Oh, a boyfriend. Hmm...what's his name?"

"Mike-" My dad came back and sat down, beside us. Thank God, I thought. I don't think I could last another minute with him.

"I'll mess him up." Was all he said, before Dad brought up a new topic. I was terrified. I didn't want Harry messing with Mike, and certainly not me. I had a feeling this was going to be painful.

When supper was done we walked outside to the truck, I went to sit in the front seat, but Dad interrupted me, "Jessie, let Harry sit there." I grumbled, but went to sit in the back. As, I turned around, to take my seat, a large hand smacked my rear end.

"This is going to be fun." He said, between laughs.

"Don't tough me again." I said, not pleased.

"I can do what I want baby doll. Don't think that just because I'm out of jail, I'm going to start behaving myself." He said coldly.

"You'll listen to my dad, if you want to get near me." I said.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned me up against the truck, "Do you really want to go down this path?" He asked. I was scared at this point, the pain was starting to pierce my hands.

"Let go, please." I said. I didn't look at my dad. He was probably texting, or talking on the phone with the other cops.

"No." He said, his grip became tighter.

"Please, you're hurting me."

"Then go out for dinner with me, or else, this won't be the only thing that happens to you." He said, and winked. I was gritting my teeth now, tears were starting to form in my eyes.

The only thing I could think of was Mike. What would he think if I went out for dinner with a former jail delinquent? I still remember when Mike asked me out. We were now in grade 12, and we had been dating since grade 10. He came up to me during lunch and and asked me if I wanted to go to semi with him. I said "yes," because I had the biggest crush on him. He picked me up in his car, we went out for supper, he bought me dessert- which was a piece of cheesecake with the words "Will You Go Out With Me," on it, in chocolate icing. Of course, my answer was "yes!"

"So, your answer?" He said. Smiling through his teeth.

"Fine," I said, pouting after he let go. I looked at my wrists, they had little red marks on it, and a purple bruise was already starting to form. The only thing I was scared of at this point, was Mike. He was easily jealous and got very aggressive when boys tried to flirt with me. I, personally don't know why they all flirted with me, I was blue-eyed with long brown hair, I had curves, but they weren't massive. I wasn't a blonde with blue eyes, and as skinny as a pole. I was me, and I didn't care. I was imperfect, love me as I am, or watch me as I go.

We finally got home after that, tortious lunch. Dad gave Harry the whole, "no drinking, this is where you sleep, there is the fridge, the food, no going out to parties without my permission, and no parties here especially,'' I tried not to giggle. I actually found it funny, how my own father let me do these things, but not him. Sweet. I went up to my room, and started getting ready for school tomorrow, trying not to get this "date," get to my mind too much. I heard my cell phone rang, so I went over to see who it was. And, out of everybody I had in my contacts, it had to be Mike. Crap, I thought to myself.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound as enthusicatic as ever.

"Hey baby, what are you up to?" He asked.

Well, I am walking around my trying to get ready for a date I have tonight with a deliquent who I am sharing my house with. Sound like a proper answer? "Nothing really, just hanging around the house." I said, I couldn't stand lying to him.

"Has he arrived yet?" He asked. I could already tell he didn't like Harry, even though he hadn't even really met him.

"Yes, he has," I said.

"Okay, hey, listen, what are you up to tonight?"

"Umm, nothing really..." I replied, I already knew, that he knew I was up to something. I was terrified.

"Babe, why are you lying to me?" His voice sounded pissed off, heck, I knew he was.

"How did you find out?" I asked, I wasn't impressed, this could've meant that me and Mike would break up.

"That you and Harry have already hit it up?"

"What the hell, who told you this?"

"Nobody told me, I was joking, but I guess you weren't." He sounded like he was so angry, I almost thought he was going to drive over here, and beat the crap out of him.

"Mike it isn't what it sounds like,"

"Save it Hun, I have to go, bye. Love you," and he hung up the phone before I couldn't even, say "bye, love you too," back. Harry was here for what, 2 hours, and he's already attempted to break my boyfriend and me up. For frick sakes.


I called my best friend, Allie, she always knew what to do, and what to do, in bad situations. I told her how Harry, basically pinched me until I told him I would go out on a date with him, and that Mike "tricked," into thinking he knew.

"It's easy darling, all you have to do, is go on a date with Harry, and explain it all to Mike. If he really loves you, he'll trust you and believe you," she said. How come she knew everything about anything?

But, believe me, if I knew what Harry was planning, and what he had on his mind, I wouldn't of told Mike anything. ANYTHING.

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