Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"Jessie, wake up," I heard a voice hovering over me. It sounded like Harry. But, I didn't know for sure. But I did know for sure, I didn't want to get out of bed.

"No, go away," I replied. It was dark still. There was no way in Hell I was getting out of bed now.

"Baby, wake up, time for school," He said. Instantly, my eyes shot open. School, I had school. I had to go back to school as the single Jessie Armstrong who now had a thing with Harry. Fun.

I quickly sat up and hopped out of bed. It was pretty fast, when I saw Harry's eyes, that I remembered, I only had a camisole and tight yoga short-shorts.

"Whoa babe, you should start sleeping with me," he winked.

"You're gross," I said.

"I was joking, I know you aren't one of those girls," he said pulling me into a hug.

I smiled. Man, did he ever smell good. He was already dressed for school. He had some dark jeans on, that were quite skinny. He had on a blue collared long sleeve shirt and he looked quite perfect in it.

"Are you excited to see your friends?" I asked, finally breaking off the hug. He still had his arms around my waist, but we now had our eyes locked on each other. His eyes were so pretty. They were light green, they were so deep and beautiful. I got lost in them every time I looked at him.

"What friends?" He asked, a little disappointed.

"You used to have-" He cut me off.

"Ya, I used too. Before, I went to jail. They just wanted to be around me because I got all the girls, and I went to all the parties."

I frowned, what fags, I thought. "I'm sorry Harry, you can hang with me today," I said and smiled.

"You're all I need," he said and leaned forward to kiss my forward. He walked out of my room and I decided I should probably start getting ready. It was Monday, and I normally had to put more thought and effort into my hair.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of light Hollister jeans. Frig, they made my butt look perfect. Also, I pulled out a zip-up sweater from Aritzia. I walked over to the bathroom and let my hair down into its natural waved, then I walked over to my lingerie drawer, when I noticed my phone lighting up on my bed.


Make sure your thong matches your bra ;) love you babe x"

I rolled my eyes, and typed sarcastically,


Anything for you, xx"

I wonder what he would think of that. If Allie was here, she would've said 4 words. "He has a boner."

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Harry was already downstairs eating some toast, I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a bowl and some cereal. I walked over to the table and sat down across from him. Dad must've been sleeping from his overnight shift last night.

For some reason, Harry kept smiling at me. I don't know why though. I was just a regular brunette with blue eyes that had curves who was just so happening to be eating cereal. What was it?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, curious of what was his problem was.


God, she was beautiful. I had never felt this way about any girl before. I couldn't stop smiling at her. And she soon noticed it.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked, confused of what I was smiling at.

I had never been nervous around a girl before, because they were all the same. They wanted sex with me, then they would leave. And then, I would find a new slut and the whole cycle would start over.

"Harry?" she asked. I just wanted her to be mine, I couldn't stand it.

"You're just so beautiful, I want you to be mine," I replied. Smooth Harry, smooth.

"Thanks Harry, and I will be soon," she replied.

I smiled and walked over to her, and bent down beside her and leaned forward to kiss her. It surprised me most, when she didn't pull away. I was even more surprised when she reached behind me and grabbed my neck and pulled me down more.

"I'm glad you're kissing me-" she said through the kiss.

"Me too," I said and as I smiled.


I was actually kissing Harry. And I was actually enjoying it. I didn't want it to end. He fought against my tongue for entrance. I finally gave in, he was searching my mouth.

"Crap," I said through the kiss. I broke it off, remembering I didn't brush my teeth yet. He must've thought I was disgusting.

"Babe?" he said.

I was already sprinting up the steps, "Forgot to brush my teeth," I called down to him. I could hear him chuckling under his breath and I also heard the sound of dishes clanging. He must've been putting them away.

As I brushed my teeth, there was one question that had been ringing through my mind for a while now. Where were Harry's parents? Why wasn't Harry living with them-not that I was complaining or anything. But, I was confused. I was hoping to ask him soon.

 As I brushed my teeth, I felt a pair of hands slide around my waist, "Do you want to ride with me to school?" he asked.

"That isn't even a question," I said and turning around to kiss him on the cheek.

"Okay, we're leaving in 5. Make sure you're ready babe," he said and winked.

I giggled and ran into my room. I packed my backpack and ran the down the stairs to find Harry already waiting at the door. "You ready?" he asked.

"Yup!" I replied.

We walked out to his car and I hopped into the passenger seat after Harry opened the door. As soon as he got in the car, he set his hand on my upper-thigh and he started to drive down the road to our school. This time, I actually didn't scoot his hand away.

There was one thing I was scared about though. Mike. I was scared he would try to get back together with me. I didn't want him, he was dangerous. And I just needed to stay by Harry.

"Harry?" I finally broke the silence and was going to tell him something.

"Ya babe?" he asked. As he stopped at a red light.

"I'm scared," I said.

I looked over at him, a frown formed on his face. "Baby, why?"

"Of Mike," I replied. I was terrified. Mike was known for getting revenge. And, his revenge was bad. No matter who, he'd get his revenge. Back in grade 8, he dated a girl named Chelsea and she cheated on him and ended up getting a huge rumor spread around her saying she sent nudes to him. You didn't mess with Mike.

"Babe, if he does anything to you," his voice trailed off and his fists also clenched. I felt some kind of protection when I was with Harry.

"Thanks baby," I replied and smiled.

"Anything," he said, and reached over to grab my hand and hold it against his leg. We were so close to being something special. He had only been here for 2 days but, I had never loved anyone more than him. He treated me and made me feel special. And, I knew- for a fact. He wasn't going to treat me like he did to every other girl. Or at least, I hope he wouldn't. 


Sorry guys, I have been sick and I was at my Uncle and Aunt's house, but I will post soon! The next chapter is a turn arounddddd. :P

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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