2. - Wild Irish Roses

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🔊Play Song for the Vibes: Wild Irish Roses - Smino🔊

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🔊Play Song for the Vibes: Wild Irish Roses - Smino🔊


📍Random McDonalds - Shreveport, LA

I acted like I didn't see him and tried to brush past him so that I could go back to my car and drive home.

Of course that didn't work. Orlando put his hands on my arms to stop me:

Orlando: Hey stranger. *smiles and rubs hands* Long time no see.. It's been a minute huh love? How are you? I kinda missed you..

🤮 ! I just wanted to throw up looking at him right now. He's sizing me up and I don't want to hear shit he has to say..

Raz: *rolls eyes* I'd love to stay strangers "love", now excuse me.

I put my arm up to firmly push him away so that I could walk out of the door and to my car.. I guess this nigga felt played because he took a light jog to chase after me and grab my wrist to stop me:

Orlando: Oh come on man Raz, don't be like that baby. Don't tell me you're still mad at me? All of that shit that happened was a long time ago, I'm not even married no more..

I think me and you should kick it.. Y'know? catch up.. *smirks and bites lip* Do some freaky things maybe.. Wassup?

This shit is trash. Basuda! l'ordure! Gomi! 垃圾!! Any other language for trash, that's this nigga's game right now! I'm not falling for his looks, smile, brown skin, and slim build EVER again.

He wasted my time, took my V card, and I was a fool to ever think he actually loved me. I refuse to be a fool twice. This nigga had the nerve to be married and have kids, and got mad at me when I left his silly ass. Pathetic.

Raz: *snatches wrist away and glares* Ain't shit up nigga! Fuck you.

Orlando: Come on Love, let's catch up.. I really missed you Razlyn baby..

I gave him an ugly ass stank face and got in my car leaving him standing there with his mouth open shocked that I was serious. I'm not going for this and he can kiss my ass.

I hardly cussed back when we dated.. I was all "innocent" and "sweet" and "submissive" but after I found out the truth, I was never the same.

I turned over the keys in the ignition and backed out to leave.. He stood there big mad trying to test me.. I kept inching and he rolled his eyes before moving out of the way. Good thing he did because I was going to run his ass straight over and pull off.

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