15. Relem

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🔊Play Song for the Vibes: Relem - Jessie Woo🔊

We walked on the sidewalk trail that made a path behind the apartments and in front of the big houses

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We walked on the sidewalk trail that made a path behind the apartments and in front of the big houses.. I wanted to admire them along the way as me and Randy talked about how much it would cost us to get our own house..

We didn't discuss how soon we would buy a house, but I'm sure it would be after I get the ball rolling with my business. I took Randy's hand into mine as we walked..

Randy: How you feel about going to look at one of these houses? The one's not occupied are unlocked..

Raz: You sure we can do that?

Randy: Come on now baby. I wouldn't have brought it up if we couldn't.

Raz: *blushes* Well screw it then! I want to go look!

Randy: *smiles* Good.

Randy and I looked at all 5 empty houses and the last one was m

y favorite. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a huge backyard. I figure if we get it, I could use one room as a studio or office.. one as our room, and the last as a guest bedroom of course.. With the backyard we can host small gathering with our friends..

I'm getting excited and I know Randy is probally tired of me talking about it at this point.. But I just kept rambling, and rambling..and he listened to me speak.

Randy: Which one was your favorite baby?

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Randy: Which one was your favorite baby?

Raz: This one! I LOVE this backyard...

Randy pulled me in close to hold me in his arms, towering over me to say:

Randy: Baby.. I'm not worried about anyone from either of our pasts.. It's just you and me now. I promised to make everything up to you and I plan on doing exactly that. I've wasted too much time already and I want to give you everything you deserve.

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