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full name: Victoria Luna-Sage Dearborn

name she prefers: Vix

nicknames: Vi (pronounced Vee), Vic, Tori (when undercover), Loony (she will fight you if you use this)

age: between Jinx and Vi

appearance: messy jet black hair with purple tips, dark brown eyes with a hint of purple, 5'8, prominent smirk, slight dimples, has a couple tattoos, eyebrow and nose piercings, always has several rings on her fingers, messy black eyeshadow around her eyes

psychological disorders: severe OCD, mild ADHD/ADD, anxiety, mild PTSD

flaws: heavy smoker, very short attention span, too focused on details and breaks down if something isn't just right

skills: intelligent in usage of chemicals and scientific math, very good in gymnastics, very flexible and is able to run for hours

family: Cal Dearborn (father, alive), Eliza Dearborn (mother, alive), Hazel Dearborn (younger sister, alive), Jasper Dearborn (older brother, alive), Ivory Dearborn (oldest sister, alive), Alice Night (aunt, current caregiver)

friends: Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Ekko

sexuality: probably lesbian but labeled herself as pansexual

love interest: indecisive but Vi or Jinx

backstory: her family was always in the upper class, direct descendants from an ancient rich family. unfortunately, with the cost of having lifetime work of money, came severe mental illnesses and abuse. Vix's parents (mostly her father) was the most abusive, he used his children to gain power and more money. her mother, on the other hand, was cruel but never abused them as her husband did.

Vix was the first to escape their parents abuse and decided to run away from home. this caused a massive searched to be created by her parents and they searched everywhere for her, except for the under world.

she escaped to the underworld but discovered countless hardships that people lived in, including Powder and Vi, who were quite young when she first met them. after a month of staying with them, they sadly lost their parents and Vix returned to her home town so they could be alone in their grief, though she stayed with her aunt. her parents wanted her back home, but she refused, leading them to become angry and they constantly try to bring her home.

(this is kinda choppy but it's the basics. i haven't played the games, i've only watched the show)

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