The Outsiders

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"nothing gold can stay"

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"nothing gold can stay"

full name:
River Allison Walker

name she prefers:


sarcastic to her enemies, but kind and protective with her friends. she frequently uses pet names (such as sweetheart, darling, babe), she is definitely a fighter, flirty, loving, compassionate, trustworthy, tries her best to be confident, can be cocky

messy dark brown hair that reaches her collarbones, baby blue eyes, about 5'7, her skin tone is between tan and fair, has a small birthmark on her right ankle, has a heart tattoo on her waist and a dagger on her left wrist that she has to cover up for work with a bracelet, resting bitch face

love interest:
Dallas (main) or Sodapop or your oc if they're a good fit


friends and her relationship with them:
they are mainly aquitances, when the gang is together they may share a beer and hang out a little bit, nothing too special

they are pretty good friends, when him and his girlfriend broke up her and Soda hung out together so he wouldn't be super upset

they aren't the best of friends, will hang out every once in a while when the gang is together, he did help her get a job once though

they are the best of friends, practically inseparable, they met when they were both 11 years old and they acted as if they had known each other all of their life

pretty good friends, will hang out often, they went to the movies several times to watch the films that came from books, she has given him several books in the past and vice versa

they are really good friends, has helped him out of heavily abusive situations, she allows the boy to use her couch as much as possible but he remains humble about it

best friends, they will hang out really often or at least as much as possible, they never dated but they were that close for a short period of time, they have the same type of humor so they will frequently joke around with one another

only because she had a crush on the girl for a short period of time (although she didn't know it was a crush), her and Dallas both flirted with her a bit

the Socs

has a grey cat named Donna, very sassy cat who will look at you with judgmental eyes. she lives in a two bedroom one bathroom apartment with her mom. her mom has two jobs (nurse and part time teacher) and works often, while she has one part time job at a diner to help pay for bills and other essentials. owns a cheap car

when Dallas moved from New York to Tulsa, Oklahoma, Allison lived really close to him. they met one day when she went to a bar with her mom and they locked eyes immediately. Dallas wondered his way over to her and they began to talk, not exactly flirt, just talk. He did use pick up lines every once in a while, but after talking for so long, they only began to joke around.
after that day, they began meeting up every few days to hang out for a while, they would drink a few beers and sometimes hard alcohol. once he joined the gang alongside her, they immediately became inseparable after spending so much time together. when they grew up, she developed a crush on him, and has liked him for months now.

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