7 - Chased

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Somewhere in Manhattan...

Agent Grimes makes his way through one of the many offices in the huge building. He feels like his life is hanging in the file in his hand.

He's going to put his best people on this case. It has to be done right. After all, this could put his whole section at risk.

Five security checks later, Grimes arrives in the control room. It's as busy as usual. People running around, talking to other important people on the phone, tracking others on the big screens in the back of the room. Everyone trying to solve every possible threat they're assigned to.

In the right corner of the room, four men are standing out from the others. They're sitting or standing calmly, waiting. Grimes walks up to them.

"Alright people," Grimes says to the four people waiting for him, "we have a new case".

"About time," one of them says, "I've been stuck with listening to government associates for weeks".

"I don't want to hear it, Adams," Grimes says giving the other agent a severe look, "This woman has stolen important information from the lab just a few days ago," Grimes puts down the file on the table.

The agent named Adams reaches out to grab the file, but before he can, an other hand has already grabbed the file and opened it.

Adams looks like he's about to say something, but the other man raises his eyebrows and looks at him, and Adams stays quiet. Grimes continues talking.

"Our source tells us that she's just outside of New York, so it shouldn't take long for you to find her. Stephens, Adams and Wilde are going to be out on the field, and you Reed, is going to lead the team." The man reading the file stands up from his chair and looks at Grimes.

"You know I work better alone," he says.

"I know that, agent Reed, but our target has also stolen a vehicle from us that makes it hard for us to get close, and our source has also told us that she's not alone," Grimes pauses a few seconds and then speaks in a much lower tone, "You're my best man, Reed, and I know you can solve this case much better than anyone else, but right now you'll need all the help you can get".

Grimes turns around and shouts to one of the people sitting by the computer screens.


"Yes, sir!" a man in glasses answers in a polite tone, and turns toward Grimes.

"You're going to be here and provide this team with information along the way," Grimes says in a lower voice.

"Yes, sir," this man, called C, is a few years younger than Reed, but Reed still knows him. He's seen him around, and apparently, he's one of the best hackers in America.

"Do we really need a nerd behind a computer telling us what to do, now?" Adams says provokingly.

"64% of all agents failing their mission, failed because they didn't have an escape plan," C answers matter-of-factly.

Adams seems surprised by the sudden retort and just stares back. Reed can't help but to smirk at his arrogant co-worker getting silenced like that.

"Reed will have constant connection with C at all times," Grimes says, "to be able to always know what's happening around you and to keep us updated back here."

"Right, let's go," one of the agents says, and stands up.

"And, one other thing," Grimes says, "we need her alive, and the vehicle intact."

The new team leaves the control with Reed in the lead.

"What's so important with this girl, anyway?" Adams exclaims, "and why do they want this 'vehicle' back so badly? I mean, they can just buy a new car if they need one right?"

"The woman we're going to find has stolen classified information," Reed says without turning around, "the car, I don't know, and you don't have the right to question the government's decisions."

"You know, I've been thinking," Adams says and puts his hand on Reed's shoulder to make him turn around, "why is it always you who get the good cases, huh? You always get to decide over us. You think you're that good? That you're better than us?" Agent Reed stared at his co-worker.

Adams was younger than him, and shorter, and he's always been a pain. Reed knows that he's stronger than Adams, but still, he'd very much like to prove that to him again.

"If you have a complaint about this team, you're free to tell the boss," Reed says without taking his eyes off Adams, "but I can't guarantee that you will get a better case. And in case you didn't know that, I did not choose this team and I'm happy to leave someone out if they're not planning to solve this case professionally."

Adams laughs, but it's unsteady, he doesn't have anything to say back. Immature as always.

"You're a funny guy", Adams says, "don't worry about me, I'm gonna' do this professionally." Reed could feel the hint of sarcasm in Adams's voice, but he knows he's won this round. He turns around and starts walking again.

Reed looks at the file he's gotten from his boss. Sandra Ridley. There's a picture of her. She's looking away, the picture is probably taken from a distance.

There's not much information about her, everything about her background, family or friends is classified. Why would they keep this kind of information from their team?

Reed looks at the picture again. She's worried, like she's hiding from something. It could be that she knows the government is after her. But, there's something else, something in her eyes. She looks scared, more like she's chased by someone.

After picking up the gear at the Tec departement, they make their way down to the garage. They'll have two cars with them in case they'll have to split up. Reed is going in one of them with Stephens, and Adams is going in the other with Wilde.

Reed doesn't feel good about letting Adams drive, but that was the only way to get him to listen. And he talks about professionalism.

"Right, we have to test our communication signal," Reed says to the group, "they're initializing it in three, two, one, check."

"Copy," Stephens says.

"Hear you loud and clear," Wilde says.

"Yep," Adams sighs.

"And I both hear and see you," another voice says.

"Welcome to the team, C," Reed says.

"Thank you very much, agent Reed," C says.

"We're moving out," Reed says and at his command, they all get into the cars.

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