8 - Race

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Marty's turns out to be a whole district for street racers. On every single street there are at least two cars competing for first place. Of course, some of them are used for normal driving, so that everyone can get around, but I've never seen a place like this before. It's like a different world.

Some races look like they're just set up for the racers' and onlookers' entertainment, others look deadly serious, with cars worth a fortune.

We stop at one of the broad streets in the middle of the district. Here, loud music can be heard from the nearby clubs and I can see people dancing and drinking inside. Dyer walks up to a man standing outside one of the loudest clubs talking to a few other racers.

"Hey, Marty," he says, "I thought this place would be dead by now." The man turns around and his mood changes instantly when he sees who's taking to him.

Marty is a man in late middle age and​ looks like he's been through a lot. It's probably his worn out, yet completely sober, demeanor that gives me that impression.

"Dyer, my friend," he says and greets him in a way that shows that they've known each other for a long time, "surprised to see you're still on the road."

It's obvious they've known each other a while. Marty must be one of the reasons why Dyer came to racing.

"The crew's ready," he says, "and​ we're all looking forward​ to participate in one of your races, Marty."

"Sure, man, we were just waiting for ya'," Marty says and gestures to the broad road, where people have started gathering on the sidewalks.

"But, I have to ask you a favor, Marty," Dyer says, "I have a racer that I want you to allow to compete."

"Really, you've gotten another member?" Marty says surprised, "someone must've made a great impression on you," Dyer laughs slightly and points with his head at me. To be honest, I don't know if I should be honored or terrified by the gesture. Can Sarin and I run a street race?

Marty creaks an eyebrow and looks at Dyer seriously, "can she race?"

"She sure can," Dyer answers. Sure, I did have a race with them, but it was for fun, and if it was me or the car who did the most part, I don't really know.

"Man, you know I trust you, Dyer, but I can't just let anyone into my racing district. That has already cost me many good racers."

Dyer stays quiet for a couple of seconds. Meanwhile I notice that more and more people have gathered along the street and some of them around us.

"Dyer," I say, "I'm not sure..." I know he means well, but something tells me this isn't a good idea anymore.

I can't say more than that, because I hear Marty talking again.

"What kind of car is that?" he says, almost as in shock, he's refering to Sarin, "I've never seen anything like it before".

"It's hers," Dyer says matter-of-factly, of course gesturing to me.

Marty looks at Sarin from a distance like he's seen a ghost.

"I've never seen a car like that. I don't even know who made it." I guess there aren't many cars in this world this guy hasn't seen.

Marty starts to walk around and inspect Sarin. I hold my breath and hope that it will stand still, if someone looked at me like that I would feel really uncomfortable.

"I don't think we should do it, really," I say, "we're trying to keep a low profile right now".

"You don't have to worry about that," Marty says, not taking his eyes off of Sarin, "there are no cameras allowed here, and only trusted people get in".

I feel a bit more relieved to hear that no one can take pictures of us, but still...

"I might just be rethinking this," Marty says deep in thought, "this one might make a pretty good race".

"Pretty good?" I hear CJ say behind me, "I'd say you have an amazing race right there".

Marty notices ny uncertainty and comes up to me.

"I understand you don't want any unwanted publicity, but this car could give a spark to this place agin," Marty looks around the district, "it has been a bit too plain for the new generations, and this car, and you of course, could change that," he looks at me seriously, I can feel that this place is his heart and soul, "if you want to race, position 9 is open". After that he walks over to Sarin again, as if to think over his decision to let me race one more time.

Then I see him noticing something, the thought that runs through my head is the markings covered up on Sarin's side. Marty must have a good eye for things like that after this many years.

He's just about to but his hand on the side of the car when it suddenly moves.

Sarin has shot forward, and, don't ask me how, is now standing next to me. It all happened faster than anyone could comprehend.

After taking a couple of seconds to stare at my very, not, discreet car, I look up to see a shocked Marty stare at me and Sarin.

"If it's still open," I start carefully and with an uneasy smile, "I'd like to fill that position".

Marty takes on a more composed air and says, "You're very welcome to do so," he says and then continues, "I only have one question. Where have you found this extraordinary piece of vehicle?"

"It's a," I start, "long story." I can't really tell him that I escaped from some kind of facility and that the car has followed me around ever since.

"I understand," Marty says and nods, then he walks away with a thoughtful expression on his face, probably off to prepare the race.

"Alright!" I hear CJ shout behind me, being the tension-breaker he is, "let's do this everybody!"

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