16 - The End of the Truth

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They are taking me down an endless hallway. The fluorescent lamps blinding me as they pass by in the ceiling.

"It all started with public safety," Grimes explained matter-of-factly, "the government wanted a more efficient vehicle that could hunt down criminals and prevent crime. A vehicle that would stand at service for humans. That's all my people know".

"And I was in charge of developing this technology," the Professor says, "I thought the best way to do it would be to let it be inspired by the human mind. But the laws prevented me from doing this kind of experiment, so I thought a small secret could not harm if used for good purposes." Something with the smile on his face tells me his 'good' is not the same as mine.

We reach an elevator. It's big enough for all of us, with a lot of space left.

"So I searched for a human with the best qualities, brought them here, translated their entire brain into code and transferred it to a vehicle," the Professor says, "and the best suited one turned out to be you, Sandra Ridley," the Professor looks down at me like he's proud of some experiment. Maybe that's exactly what he is.

"Wait," I say, trying to understand it all, "does that mean...".

"...yes," the Professor interrupts me, "Sarin is an artificial version of you. Everything you have learned, every thought, every memory is stored on Sarin's hard drive. Of course, some things had to be modified to work for a vehicle, and it does seem to have developed a slightly different personality, but you both have the same original mind."

I'm just staring at him, mouth half open, eyes wide. I have felt a certain connection to Sarin, but I never thought this was the reason.

"You weren't supposed to know about any of this to begin with," Grimes says, "you woke up before the final process was finished and your memory wasn't restored. We were going to erase any memory you could have about this and bring you back into your daily life, without anyone knowing".

My shock is suddenly overcome by anger, "You were going to use my brain for an experiment without me knowing it? And breaking the laws in the process!" I'm lifting myself up as I shout this. The sharp plastic digging into my wrists. But I don't care.

"I told you it would be priceless," the Professor laughs and exits the elevator as it reaches our destination.

I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to tell him what I really thought about this, I wanted to let him know what kind of psychopath he is. But I figured it would only fuel his crazy laughter.

"A small thing like that is nothing compared to our long-term goal," Grimes says proudly as he too steps out of the elevator. Reed doesn't step out until everyone else is out. He walks behind us.

"Your long-term goal?" I say, wondering if this could get any worse.

"Technology like this should not be used as a tool for humanity," the Professor says as we catch up with him, "with my scientific knowlege and Grimes's resources in the government, we can put these vehicles to much better use".

At first I thought they were just insane, but they're straight up criminals too. Who knows what kind of intentions they could have.

"What kind of 'better use'?" I ask hesitantly.

"Call it a surprise," the Professor says, "I'd rather see your reaction than tell you now. And don't tell anyone, so far only a few people know about our plan. Not that they would believe you anyway". The smile never leaves his face as he says this.

I get the feeling I don't want to know what they are planning. I only know that I cannot let it happen.

We enter a different room, empty of people. This one is much bigger than the others, with computers lined up on desks. There is a long window in one of the walls, it stretches over the entire wall, but it's only about five feet high.

And behind that glass I see something that makes me calmer. I am still not alone in this.

Sarin is standing still on the other side of the wall, they probably shut it down somehow.

Grimes turns around and says something to Reed. They both leave the room. I could be mistaken, but Reed did look more pale now than he did before.

"Now, let's finish this once and for all, shall we?" the Professor says and walks to a computer. The two doctors place cords on my head, the same ones I wore when I woke up in that room.

"You will not remember anything of the time we have kept you here or the time you have spent outside," the Professor says, "you will, however, have your old memories back and you can go back to your old life".

Grimes and Reed return to the room and stand by the wall. One of the doctors brings out the bag with my blood.

"We need your DNA to perform the memory switch correctly," the Professor explains, "don't worry, you won't feel a thing".

I don't want this to happen. Even if I do want to know who I used to be and what memories I had, I can't let them go through with this. And I can't let them take Sarin away.

I fight against the restraints, red marks are forming on my wrists. I shake my head as the doctors try to place the cords. I shout out in anger and desperation. I do everything I can, as much as my drained powers let me. I keep this up until Grimes comes over to keep my head still.

"Beginning process," the Professor says from the computer. I hear the sound of a machine starting somewhere.

I don't want to forget. That's the only thing I think about. Until I hear someone else shout, and a harsh sound above me.

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