Chapter One - The First Interaction

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Charmeine Rossi

I stand in the hallway of my home, or whatever you'd call this place, watching Lorenzo argue loudly with Giovanni. About mother I think, my ears are ringing so I can't quite hear what's being said. I have never seen Lorenzo so angry before and quite frankly, it's terrifying. Remind me never to get on his bad side.

Antonio is hovering over our mothers lifeless body, I think he is screaming too, although I don't think he's screaming at anything in particular. Just screaming. I watch as tear slowly escapes his eyes, slowly, before dripping onto my mothers neck.

Enzo is cradling my frail body, making an attempt of calming me down but even I can feel that he is absolutely petrified and is holding in tears, but I can't move a muscle, I can't see anything, and the only noise that I can hear is the faint ringing in my ear, slowly getting louder. Taunting me. Torturing me. Teasing me. I don't give in, I won't let Giovanni get to me because that means he won.

! End of flashback !

I think back to that day. March 10th, 2004. The day which changed me life, and not for the better. "Why not me" I whisper. "Why her? Mother didn't deserve any of that!" I scream, picking up one of the stuffed animals that peacefully lay on my bed and throwing it across the room. "Shit, I'm so sorry" I mutter, before leaping out of bed and cradling the bear in my arms. This moment brings me back to that day. Although the roles are switched as I'm Enzo and Mr. Peanut is me. The thought makes me subconsciously hug the bear harder. I'm so messed up in the head.

I hear I faint knock on the door, pulling me out of my depression. Thank fuck.

Never mind it's just Mike. My brothers guard.

Wait.. Mike? "Mike, it's 8:30 am. What the fuck are you here for.." my tired voice kicking in, it's not like I've been awake talking to a fucking teddy bear for an hour already. Then the anxiety takes over. "Is Lorenzo hurt?!" I squeak, unable to process the possibility of him being injured. Mike shakes his head. "Shit is it Antonio?" I say, eyes wide with fear. Mike shakes his head, again. "Enzo..?" I say feeling a bit scared relived when Mike stayed oddly silent.

"Fuck sa-" he starts annoyed. I raise my eyebrow at him. "N-No I meant.." he trails on.

"Mike if nobody's hurt then why on fucking earth are you here so early" I interrupt.

"Lorenzo wants you in his office.. now" he says, obviously gaining back his confidence.

"Okay. Carry me." I say sternly, and when he refuses I jump onto his back. "Thank you so much for the ride" I say, giggling. "It was so considerate of you to offer"

He doesn't answer. Weirdo. I notice Lorenzo and Antonio sat in their chairs. While Enzo stands by the door, his face lighting up when he sees me. He's my favourite. Don't tell him that, his ego is already too big for our fucking million dollar mansion. Then I notice two other people in the office, both tall and both have very dark hair. I soon come to the conclusion that their brothers. Although one is slightly taller and more muscular. "Lorenzo" I say, smiling, but he does not return the gesture with a happy smile. Instead he gives me a sad smile. The kind I only see when he's done something he regr- what the fuck has he done now. "Lorenzo? Who are these they and why did you wish to see me?" I spit.

"Matteo and Alek Bianchi" He says with a stern look. What's gotten into him?

I whisper to Enzo "Who?"

"The Italian mafia don. I'll explain later" he mutters.

"Okay" I don't question it. Instead, I question how the hell do I get out of this situation.

I'll just give Enzo death stares until he takes me out. Sorry Enzy. I stare at Enzo intensely and he just laughs. He fucking laughed. Stupid toe licker. Sorry.

"Charmeine, come sit" Lorenzo booms.

"Uhm okay" I say, as I go sit down next to the two men. Don't ask me why I decided to sit next to this gorgeous man.

His name is Matteo I think, that's what Lorenzo say before. He has dark hair, eyes that are the brightest blue I've seen and tanned skin that is littered with tattoos. He is wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants and a black blazer. The man looks to be around 6,4 although I'm not actually quite sure. However tall he is, it's clear he is much taller than me. Fuck that. I'm actually 9,3 so I'm much taller then him.

Matteo Bianchi

"Lorenzo you know you can't get out of this one. You owe us your land and money. That's not an easy thing to settle, and you know it" I say, calmly but I can't help the hint of anger and frustration in my voice. What? I'm human too. It's hard to conceal all of your emotions at once. My mind pauses when a girl. Can I even call her that? Correction; a goddess walks into Lorenzo's conference room. I look over to Alek. He gives me a knowing glance and shakes his head. Unlucky for him, that only fuels my desire.

"Charmeine, sit" Lorenzo says. His face looks annoyed for a second when she walked in, then it quickly turns back into emotionless. My guess is that she doesn't know anything about the mafia their running.

Sadly, I get torn away from my thoughts. Sadly? Screw that. Thankfully, I get torn away from my thoughts as she sits down. Next to me. Her hand briefly brushes against my thigh, though I don't think she realises. But I sure as fuck do. I clear my throat grabbing everyone's attention.

"Who cares about what I said before, I'll have her instead." I smirk, watching the youngest of the three men in front of me jolt forward. Well he is being held back by Lorenzo and Antonio. It's a pity really, I would love to fight someone today.

Charmeine shoots up from her seat. "What the hell do you mean you'll have me? Did I look like I was for sale to you?" She says, rushing over to Enzo while she shelters her from all the shouting.

"Matteo this is so unfair, and you know it. She's doesn't even know about us. You're not bringing her over to Italy." Antonio spits. That doesn't change my mind. Not one bit.

"I want her by the end of the week." I shout louder then anyone in this room. The boy's eyes go wide and jaws drop slightly, even Alek. I laugh to myself knowing that it's Thursday right now. "Better get the papers ready" I add, before walking off. Alek trailing behind me angrily.

End of chapter one:
1183 words
Time finished.. 9:32 am
Saturday 16 December 2023

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