Chapter Four - Home

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Charmeine Rossi

We soon arrive at the building that was going to be my new home. Well I'm not complaining. This is the biggest house I've ever seen, I don't even know if you can call it a house, and it's going to be my home.

I'm pulled out of my head by Matteo clearing his throat. I look at hun confused. "I hope that my place is good enough, I can always find another house for us if you don't like it," he says.

My eyes widen. He can just find another place. Surely it's a joke, maybe a figure of speech? No one's that rich. Are they? "No this place is beautiful, I love it," I mutter. "Thank you,"

"For what, amore" he looks confused.

"For this, it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it,"

 I've never seen anything like it,"

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"I'm so glad you like it. Come on let's go inside and you can meet my siblings." He said, there was even a hint of excitement in his tone. He wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me inside, he seemed to be in a hurry but I didn't question it. I assume he just wants me to be inside.

"Woah slow down it's hard to run in these heels!" I giggle.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"For what?" I stop walking.

"For this!" He picks me up bridle style and runs down the driveway and into the house. I cant stop laughing as I hold onto his neck for dear life.

"Matteo what on earth are you doing," I hear a voice say from the stairs.

"Fratello." He says without putting me down.

"Matteo. I swear to god put me down." I laugh.

"Sorry amore, no can do."

"Put me down, you literally just got shot!" I shout while laughing.

"Wait, you got shot?!" The person says again.

"Yes I got shot, 3 times. It was on the plane, Alek. Now leave us alone." Matteo said coldly.

"No I won't leave you alone, you got fucking shot? Let me see." Alek muttered and Matteo rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to show his shoulder. "Did you bandage it up yourself?"

"Can you imagine me of all people wrapping up my shoulder," Matteo joked.

Alek rolled his eyes and said "No.."

"My lovely fiancé did," Matteo said proudly, making me smile.

"What, that Rossi bitch?" Alek laughed while Matteo placed me back on my feet gently and walked up to Alek.

"The fuck did you just say?" Matteo shouted while picking Alek by the collar making him widen his eyes. It made me laugh seeing Alek look scared. "Her name is Charmeine, stronzo." He said before taking my hand in his softly and leading me upstairs to his room.

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