Chapter Eight - The Ball

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Charmeine Rossi

I stood outside our room, heart pounding with anticipation. My arm linked with Daniella, and I still couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and nerves. And then, like out of a movie, I heard the slight sound of Matteo's voice approaching. As I take a closer look, I see he's not alone.

When he stepped through my door, his eyes met mine, and a thrill ran through me. He had that irresistible charm, that dangerous edge that made my heart race. As he walked towards me, his confidence radiated, and I couldn't help but be drawn to him. "Hello principessa, you look gorgeous tonight." He said. (Princess)

Matteo reached out his hand, and I willingly placed mine in his. The touch of his warm hand sent a jolt of electricity through me. Without a word, we went out of the room, with Daniella and his friend walking close behind.

After what felt like hours of walking, we finally made it down to the room I'd been waiting to see being used. The ballroom. From the tall walls, decorated beautifully. To the large oak staircase, leading down to the floor. This place screamed money.

The four of us walked into the ballroom, and I could feel the eyes of the guests on us as soft music began to play. Holy shit, there's even live music.

I heard him clear his throat and I turn to face him. "Dance with me, amore?" He says, his eyes pleading. I say nothing and lead him onto the dance floor, placing my arms around his neck as he places his around my waist.

The room was bathed in a soft, romantic glow, the chandeliers casting a warm light over the elegant ballroom. The sound of classy jazz music filled the air, setting the perfect backdrop for our dance.

As Matteo took my hand and pulled me close, I could feel the strength and power emanating from him. His touch sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but be captivated by his magnetic presence. "You look stunning tonight, my love," Matteo whispered, his voice low and filled with a hint of danger.

We moved together, our bodies swaying in perfect harmony to the rhythm of the music. My heart raced as he spun me around, his grip firm yet gentle. The world around us faded away, and in that moment, it was just the two of us, a normal couple. No mafia, no danger. Just Matteo Bianchi and Charmeine Rossi.

As we moved across the dance floor, I couldn't help but admire the way Matteo's eyes alone commanded the room. His confidence was intoxicating, and I felt a sense of pride knowing that he was my husband, my protector. "You have a way of captivating everyone, love," I murmurer, my voice filled with both admiration and love.

Our dance became a conversation without words, each movement speaking volumes about our connection. My heart swelled with a mix of excitement and a touch of fear, knowing that our love existed in the midst of a dangerous world. But in that moment, as we danced under the watchful eyes of the mafia elite, we were untouchable.

As the song came to an end, Matteo dipped me low, their eyes locked in a passionate gaze. "I love you, my Charm," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "No matter what happens, I will always be here to take you out of harms way." Wow. This conversation just got mega deep.

I smile, my eyes sparkling. "And I love you, Matteo," I replied, my voice filled with unwavering devotion.

And as we stood up, hand in hand, the applause of the crowd filled the air. Cheers could be heard too.

"Woah, where'd you learn to dance like that, Bianchi?" Matteo's friend said as he playfully punched his shoulder.

"I didn't." Matteo said coldly. Dropping all emotion that he showed me earlier. I didn't hear the rest of their conversation as Daniella dragged me away to dance with her.

Matteo Bianchi

The ballroom was filled with the who's who of the mafia world, their power and influence palpable in the air. Dressed in a sharp suit, I made my way through the crowd, aware of the whispers and glances directed my way.

Then, I saw her. Charmeine Rossi, my fiancé, standing at the center of attention, engaging in conversation with influential figures. Her beauty and grace were unmatched, and it filled me with a sense of pride knowing that she was mine.

I approached Charmeine, my steps purposeful and confident. As I reached her, I took her hand in mine, a possessive yet gentle gesture. "May I steal my fiancé away for a moment?" I asked, my voice carrying a hint of authority.

Her eyes met mine, a silent understanding passing between us. She smiled, her love shining through. "Of course, my love," she replied, her voice filled with warmth.

We found a quiet corner of the ballroom, away from prying eyes. I leaned against a pillar, never taking my eyes off Isabella. She was the epitome of elegance, effortlessly navigating the complexities of the mafia world. "You handle yourself with such grace, Charm," I said, my admiration evident in my voice. "You're the perfect complement to my world."

Her smile widened, her love for me evident in her eyes. "And you, Matteo, ordering people around and doing mafia uhh- things?," she responded, her voice filled with sarcasm. She thought I was kidding. "Im going to get us a drink I'll be back," she says.

After she spent a couple minutes at the bar, noticed a man approaching Charmeine with an audacious grin on his face. He leaned in, his words too low for me to hear, but the intent behind his actions was crystal clear. He was flirting with my wife, a dangerous move that would not go unpunished.

My grip tightened around the empty glass in my hand as a surge of anger coursed through my veins. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only me, Charmeine, and the man who dared to disrespect her. I took a step forward, my presence commanding attention. "Hello, love." I kissed her forehead. "And you are?" I spat and his face started to pale.

Without another word, I reached into my jacket, pulling out a small, concealed weapon. The glint of steel caught the dim light of the ballroom, a silent warning to anyone who dared to challenge my authority. The man's face paled ever more, a mix of fear and regret etched across his features.

In one fluid motion, I struck, my movements precise and deadly. The bullet found its mark, and the man's body crumpled to the floor, lifeless. The room fell into silence, the shock of the scene reverberating through the air.

I turned my gaze to Charmeine, her eyes wide with shock and fear. She knew the world we lived in, the dangers that lurked in the shadows. But I still think she was scared. After all, I just shot someone in front of her eyes. I walked back to her, my expression softening as I took her hand in mine.

"Let this serve as a reminder," I whispered, my voice laced with both protectiveness and a warning. "No one will ever disrespect you, Isabella. You are mine, and I will protect you at all costs."

She nodded, her trust in me unwavering. In that moment, amidst the chaos and darkness, our love burned brighter than ever. I kissed her passionately as the workers cleaned up my mess and the other guests went back to their conversations.

Charmeine Rossi

The party last another couple hours, most of it filled with fake smiles and dirty looks. But finally it ended and after another 30 minutes of saying bye to the guests it was finally time for our sleepover.

"You coming?!" I heard Daniella shout as she runs off, stumbling in her heels. I nodded, kissing Matteo on the cheek and running after her.

End of chapter eight:
1355 words
Time finished.. 09:00 pm
Wednesday 17 January 2024

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