Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV:
I see Corey and Cassie getting along very well. Cassie told Corey about her medical health and all that stuff. She also has a degree in child studies, or was it childcare? All I know is that she's good with kids.

We get out of the car, Sid opens the bus' door. "There you guys are!" Chris shouts.

"You knew that we were at the hospital you penis." Sid shouts back. I let out a really loud laugh. Then everyone stares at me with wide eyes, as I clap my hands around my mouth, blushing furiously. I'm so immature I laugh at the word penis... Sid laughs at me.

"Guys this is my friend Cassie. She is awesome and a big fan!" I introduce Cassie. She is a extrovert, which means that she's outgoing and gets along with everyone. She immediately has a chat with Shawn and Jim. I look over at Corey, who couldn't keep her eyes of her. "Somebody likes Casssieeeeeeee!" I mock, not realising that Cassie heard as well.

Cassie likes to do this thing, where she embarrasses the hell out of me, and she likes to call my by a name I hate so much! "Shut up Big Tits!" She always calls me that, because apparently I have big Boobs...

"SHUT UP OMG WHY YOU SO ANNOYINGGGG!" I shout and blush bright red, walking away from the lounge, into the kitchen to get a drink. I also hide my chest area with my arms, I always feel insecure about my body. Even though, according to Cassie, that I have a dancers body... Which is like them porn star bodies! I hate porn! She just likes to push my buttons.

Everyone is talking until someone opens the tour bus door. Everyone looks scared, as all members are on the bus. A petite girl stands in the door way. She has long curly, black hair in pig tails. Her fringe was clipped with cute pastel clips. She's wearing a pastel pink t-shirt, with a cat on it. Her hoodie is pastel blue, with cat ears on the hood. Her skirt is pastel purple, pleated like a anime school girl's uniform. She wore white socks, that reached to mid thigh, with cute pastel green shoes. She held a black bat bag in her hands.

"Hi..." The girl shyly waves at everyone. Corey, Shawn, Jim, Chris, and Craig know who the girl is.

"SHANNON!!" They all shout, apart from Craig who just rushes to her.

"Shannon?" Sid tilts his head. I look over to see Joey starstruck. He looks lost, like he's staring right at her, with dreamy like eyes.

"Oh this is Shannon! She's Mick's daughter." Corey introduces the pastel goth girl.

"Hi..." She shyly speaks, looking at Joey. These two would look so cute together! "Have you guys seen my dad? I kinda have an important message to tell him!" OMG she's so cute! Like Kawai cute! And OMG she's smaller than Joey. Which is surprising since her dad is like a skyscraper.


"SHUT UP IM COMING!" Mick shouts back. After a minute later, he comes out. He notices that he's daughter is sitting next to Joey talking. Omggggg like I ship them so hard right now! "Shannon?" He quietly speaks, looking shocked.

"Dad!!" She screams and gives him a hug. He hugs her back.

"What's my girl doing here?" He breaks the hug.

"Well... Mom had an accident, at work. It isn't a major bad one, but she said that she doesn't trust me home alone so I have to stay with you. Even though I'm 23..." She pouts.

"What she had an accident?!" Mick looks scared.

"Dad she told me that she is fine, and to call her after the show." Shannon tries to calm her giant father down.

"Ok... But I don't have anywhere for you to sleep..."

"No that's ok, I knew that would be an issue. I brought my Totoro bed!" Shannon gleams. Ok she watches anime...

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