Chapter 5

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Sid's POV:
Yay! Day of today! So we are all going to the beach today, plus it's freaking hot outside. Last night was epic, the fans were amazing. Plus I would look over to see Ashley head banging in the corner of my eye. It made me want to put more effort in seeing her have so much fun. I just can't believe my ex turned up. Yeah, her name is Lisa. I can't believe I fell in love with her because she is a bitch. Like I remember when I saw her with another man. In my bed! I remember kicking her out, throwing her stuff out my window, with the dude shouting at me. And not to mention I did punch him straight in the face. But I am so glad I met Ashley. She is one of a kind really, like you will never find a girl like her. She is like so cool, she has colourful hair! And she has a really nice body... But other than that, Ashley has such a great personality! She's always there for people, and she doesn't seem to worry too much. But she has mental breakdowns, like that night I had to carry her to bed. And the first time I met her, she was Literally shaking like a leaf. Well I hope I get to spend more time with her, I think she's special.

I sit up in my bunk, noticing that Ashley wasn't in there. I can smell food being made. She's in the kitchen!

"Hey I get first plate!" I hear Shawn scream.

"Nah-uh! I need food more than you!" Corey's voice whines. I open the curtain and jump down of the bunk. I walk into the bathroom to see Ashley not cooking food? And Chris dying her hair?!

"Hey Sid!" She waves at me, then Chris moves her head.

"Don't move! It will ruin the colours dimwit!" OMG I laugh when Chris tells her off. I can't believe Chris is doing this!

"Haha! I didn't know you were a hair dresser Fehn!" I nudge his arm with my elbow.

"Hey! No nudging! I'm doing hair! You have to wait in line if you want your hair dyed!" Chris pretends to act all professional but he fails when he laughs.

"So if ash isn't cooking... Then who is?" I change the subject.

"Sam and Craig. It's pancakes again, so if you wanna get egged then walk right into the kitchen." Joey walks passed me, with a plate full of pancakes. He leans on the door frame, watching Chris plat the dyed parts of Ash's hair. "You're doing a good job there buddy." He comments at Chris' hair dying.

"I've done this loads of times!" Chris mutters, continuing to plat the other pieces of hair. "Ok you're done! I'll wash it out when 30mins is up."

Ash smiles at Chris. "Thank you! I should just go to you for my bad hair days!" She giggles, making me want to kiss her. Her laugh is so cute OMGGG...

I walk away from the bathroom, with Chris and Ash, to see everyone eating. I hesitate going into the kitchen at first. I don't wanna get egged again!

"Don't worry dude, I won't egg ya." Craig walks over to me and pats me on the head. I smile at him, then look over behind him. Paul and Corey are fighting over the last pancake... Shannon and Cassie walk in the kitchen.

"Erm... I'm guessing there's no food left?" Shannon says.

"Nope! You won't get any when there is a Corey about!" Shawn laughs and walks over to Shannon. "I'm sure your dad can get ya something though?"

"Nah! I'll do it, seeing as I am technically an adult now." Shannon sassed Shawn. Oh man you should never sass the clown!

"Attitude this morning Midget?" Shawn comments, Shannon rugby tackles him into a hug.

"Shut up uncle Shawn! Just coz you can't deal with my sass!" She clicks her fingers in front of him. I hear Ashley laugh, which makes me laugh.

After a while, everyone is getting ready for the beach. Shannon and Joey seemed to be disappointed though. I think they were planning something, but I don't wanna be a burden and sneak into their business. Ash's hair is really bright now, Chris did a good job.

Will you save me? (SidXOC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora