Chapter 7

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Ashley's POV:
Those words...

That's all I've ever wanted to say to a person that I truly cared for. 'I love you...' That's all I ever wanted to say... Does that mean Sid is that person? Does that mean I've finally fount the person I truly desire?

Well he does make my heart beat faster when he's around. Plus, when he hugs me, I feel warm inside. When Sid even talks to me, I feel my cheeks burn and my body tremble in not so much fear, but lust...

Sid stares at me, like I've just said something wrong. I watch his mouth open, like he is about to tell me something. Well I don't blame him... I just confessed. Maybe he likes me too? Or maybe he is just gonna tell me that he doesn't want to be with me... Yeah that sounds about right...

As Sid try's to speak up, the bus door opens. I hear the sounds of sighing and feet shuffling. The members of slipknot are back. For some reason, I'm happy they are back. Well I'm frightened about what Sid was about to tell me. I feel my body tremble in fear again, what if he was gonna tell me I'm pathetic? I watch Chris come over to me and Sid. I lay still on the bunk, as Sid is standing... Like he's in a trance.

"Hey, we didn't find anything. But, are you ok, Ashley?" Chris looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. I nod, I'm not too comfortable to tell people my problem. I still remember what that asshole said to me... That he will be back... And he will have me... I don't even know that fucker's name!

Chris raises an eyebrow at Sid. He notices that Sid is in a daydream or a trance. He clicks his fingers at the DJ's face. "Dude! What is wrong with you? Snap out of it!"

"S-sorry... I'm gonna go get some fresh air." Sid walks away, not even looking at me. I think I have done something I shouldn't have...

Why did I have to say that! Those words mean so much, but why couldn't I have said it another time?! This is not the time to confess! This is actually the worst time, I was nearly raped; AGAIN! I had to say those pathetic words to Sid. He must really think I'm an idiot...

Sid's POV:
I can't believe it. Ashley... Loves me? I can't believe it... Was she only saying this because of the state she's in? I don't understand what I should do? I need to talk to her but I'm too scared. I'm scared the fact that if we are together, she might find another man... She's stunning! And I've noticed that men want her wherever she goes. Like those guys at the beach, and that ass who... NO! That's not her fault! I'm so pathetic... I just need to tell her the truth, that I love her too...

I sit on the grass, next to where the bus is parked. The door opens, with Craig walking out. He sits next to me. Me and Craig are very close, and not because we are the guys at the back when playing a show, but I seem to understand him more.

"You alright?" Craig speaks. He usually keeps to himself. He's always been like that, but it's nice to see him opening out. Whenever Craig does speak, we always listen because it's rare for Craig to speak up.

"Yeah... I just can't believe that... My ex would hurt Ashley..." I can't bring myself to tell Craig how I really feel. I just don't know what I want anymore.

"Yeah... I didn't realise that Ashley was keeping such a big secret all this time. I don't think any of us did. Don't worry though, we will make sure that they don't come back." Craig smiles at me with sympathy.

"How can you be so sure that we won't be able to stop them from hurting her again?" I look at Craig with frustration. How can he think that we can be there to stop them?

"Look, I know you're frustrated, and Ashley is nothing like your ex, but you have to be confident. Even though this shit has happened, you have to have faith. You have to protect the ones you love. And I know for sure you love Ashley. Even if you deny it." Craig looks up at the night sky.

"I... Just... I don't know if I can be her saviour... Her hero." I slowly speak.

"You don't have to be her hero to love her. She obviously doesn't care about the fact that your ex wants to kill her. Ashley is gonna take risks for you. I can see it in her heart." Craig smiles slightly.
"She really has it bad for you dude!"

"You think so?"

"Dude! Stop being so dense! Of course she fucking adores the hell outta ya! Now come on, we need to get some rest. And we need to make sure those heartless freaks don't come back." Craig gets up and offers me a hand.

"Yeah! You're right. Thanks buddy. For the advice, and help..." I take his hand, as he helps me up off the ground.

"I'm glad to be of assistance. Now, if they come back, we may have an idea where they are coming from. So if we figure out where they are hiding, we can stop them from ever coming back to the tour bus."

"Yeah and when we go out for shows, Ashley is not leaving without me. She is staying by my side, and when we are playing, I have to make sure I see her." I stamp my foot sternly.

"Yea yea hero," Craig jokes. "Let's go talk to the guys, maybe they have a plan. I can't believe we are actually gonna do this... The thought of musicians being heroes... It sounds fucking ridiculous!" Craig laughs.

"Heh! Yeah... But I'm going to protect Ashley, even if it's going to end where I'm on my deathbed." I act all manly and tough, to try and forget the fact that I'm upset.

"Before we go in, I will get the guys to do something." Craig smiles at me.

"What do you mean something?" I tilt my head in confusion. What is this guy planing?

"Well, I will make sure everyone is out of the tour bus for a while, then you and Ash can get some time aloneeeee! If ya know what I mean..." Craig wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Hay! I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna say no. I'll find a way to talk to Ash alone. And I don't get what you mean! I'm not doing any sexy time just yet! She is still traumatised you fucking douche bag!" I hit Craig around the back of the head.

"Hehe! I know, I'm joking around. But hay, if that what you're implying I was meaning..." Craig winks at me. I hit him again. "R-right! Let's just go see what the guys think about the situation!" Craig opens the door quickly before I hit him again.

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