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📍Tallahassee, Florida

"Daddy that's so embarrassing I'm still upset about it! I haven't even talked to Dinero or Eli because they pissed me off" I vented to my dad as me, him and cash rode to target.

Fun fact: my own brothers didn't even text me personally and ask if i had made it home safe because the original plan was to go back to Eli house. But I was so pissed off I asked them can they take me to my daddy house.

Raelyn,Kb, and even infinity ass texted me to make sir wow as good the next morning. Kb was the one carrying my big ass around everywhere. I need to send him a apology letter or something because wtf.

We were out just running Arron's because he was going to grill today and I was going to make macaroni and cheese. I don't remember how I signed up to do such thing.

We were also going to put the Tree up today, something we always did as a family. Every my siblings,cousins included spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together. Those two days being less than 2 weeks away.

I had all my gifts in my trunk, they were wrapped, labeled, had bows on them and ready to go under the tree. I even got gifts for the people I met like two day ago because they were gonna be at our house.

I'm glad it was a basement in this mfn house because if not we would not have enough space for all the asses that are going to be here Christmas Eve and morning.

"On some real shit Kaiya this was a situation no one could control. You can't just sit there beating the girl up all night, yo ass would've been sitting in jail. But I get that you feel embarrassed and what not but you gotta let that shit go" he said as I looked out the window.

He was right, every word he said was right.

"Your right, but I meant that part where I said if I see her again it's on sight" I said shrugging with all seriousness.

"That's on fucking bald ass, when we catch her it's dead" Cash said randomly out of nowhere.

"Boy what the hell- stop all that cussing before I have to make a scarf out of your skinny ass" my dad said making us all burst out laughing.

"Another thing too, don't be putting shit on me cause I step on shit! Me and Pablo Escobar damn near just alike" my dad said making me just side eye him.

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