How it started...

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November 8th 1991 (2 y/o)

The sound of giggles could be heard from a little girl as the mother of the child gripped her arm and pulls her towards a bakery market. It was like any other market except, it's about baking and the people who are bakers, put their food on display for anyone else to try.

Walking towards the entrance of the market, the mother rolled her eyes when the little girl started jumping around as they got closer. Huffing out a breathe, the mother pays before they grab their tickets and going through the gate.

The little girl giggled as she slowly walked with her mother. Walking "too slow" the mother groaned before picking her up and walking around some more.

Walking towards the bathroom, the mother placed the child down outside and bent down to her level. "You stay right here until I get back okay. Don't leave this spot." She said. The little girl only giggled before hugging her stuffy that her father got her.

The mother huffed out a breath before walking inside the bathroom. Smirking she saw another exit before running out that door after making sure nobody was in the bathroom. Speed walking towards the exit, some people gave her weird looks.

Ignoring them, the mother jogged out of the market before running home to where her daughter and husband were waiting.

A few minutes later, the little girl was giggling as she saw a butterfly fluttering its wings and soaring through the air. It wasn't until someone noticed she was all by herself with no adult near her.


After calling the police and yada yada. The little girl was put in a child orphanage. Months later. She gets put into a foster home. Turns out that foster home didn't end well so she had to go back to the orphanage.

What happens when six years later an accident happens and the little girl closes herself off from people. She distance herself from anyone and never leaves her room.

Then eight years after that, she was told her biological father was there to adopt her and take her home. Hesitantly, she packed her things and walked all the way to the entrance of the orphanage where a police officer who looked so much like her stood with a smile on his wrinkled old face.

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