Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been exactly a week since Bella has been here and well...I might start going to school again even though I graduated already but I don't have much to do. I don't work unless I'm need which is mostly in the early morning or late at night but I can do school and have two or three jobs all together.

I don't like being stuck by myself much. It causes me to go into panic mode and have flashbacks to all the things I went through before living with my dad. So, I did talk to dad last night about going back to school and he agreed. Of course, for some reason unknown. But I didn't care. I get spend more time with Bella. If she even wants to hang out.

For the past week. We did hang here and there but it was mostly just us reading books or her doing her homework and me just doing whatever. Though I did talk to her about it and she was so glad I was going to her school. Though I thought she would be embarrassed.

Anyways, So after talking to both dad and Bella. I bad dad sign me up for Forks High school and so I start tomorrow which takes me to now.


Now I'm not really a shopping alcoholic but I do like shop. Just not for clothes. I like shopping for interior things or for the kids at the orphanage.

Which also reminds me. I gotta go down to the rez and say hi to the Black family and the Clearwaters. Walking through the stores of Portland, I come across some cute outfits for the babies and the kids at the orphanage. Now I may not be rich but I do save my money which some of it goes to dad for bills and the other some goes to groceries and then the last two are for just holiday stuff and for me.

Smiling, I walk into the store and look around before grabbing some things that I like and paying them at the front register before waving bye and leaving the store of Portland and finally home.


Nova arrived at home and immediately took everything inside and up to her room. Organizing everything out for school, she layed down in her bed and closed her eyes as darkness overcame her senses.


Running out of the building, I tripped over a root from a tree before forcing myself up and running as fast as I can. The sound of the yells and the thundering of their feet pounding into the ground thundering through my ears as I run causing the wind to blow through me like I was on a train.

Before I could pass the walls that I so wished were a lot closer, I was tackled to the ground as a strong grip on my body slowly tightened before I yanked up by my hair and thrown to the ground before I was kicked in the stomach.

Groaning, I try to catch my breath before I was forcefully grabbed and pulled to stand before I felt someone punch me in the stomach causing me double over in pain.

Slowly looking up, I see him, he was standing there while his minions of men stood behind him a few feet back watching.

It wasn't until I was I punched in the face did I finally notice to pain my body was in. The adrenaline has finally wore off, leaving me in pain.

Dropping to my knees, I knew it was useless to fight as I saw two men of his walking my way before grabbing my arms tightly and dragging me away.

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