---✦✦Christmas special✦✦---

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Me and sasuke were heading to naruto's house for a special Christmas party he was hosting. In my hands was a bag full of presents and a few cards. Sasuke was holding a bag - I didn't know what was in it. We were both walking down a snowy street, there were stands all around us selling a variety of items. They went from wooden figurines to weapons and so on. In front of us were to very familiar people, ino and Sakura but happily they hadn't noticed us yet. Sasuke took my hand, his were cold and mine were warm, he dragged me into an alley way and told me to follow him to naruto's house. I followed him and we jumped on top of a building I assumed was naruto's apartment. "We're here" sasuke said blandly. I nodded and knocked on the door. I hear foot steps on the other side of the door and slowly I heard locks turn on the door. The door slowly creeked open to show a very flushed hinata, I smirked and lean forward-my face was now a few centimeters from hers. "Has Naruto got you all flustered?" I ask with a cheeky grin and a wink. She squeals and grabs my hand pulling me in, I grab Sasukes hand and pull him in behind me.

We enter the living room to show Naruto, Kiba, Rock-Lee, Shikamaru, Choji, Tenten, Might-Guy, Iruka and Kakashi. I put a warm smile on my face and give Naruto a hug. "Hey big bro Y/n you came!!" cheered Naruto. I chuckled and let go, placing the bag of presents on the kitchen counter top. "We just have to wait for Sakura and Ino." stated Kakashi. Shikamaru muttered his iconic 'what a drag' and me and sasuke let out a loud sigh. I walked toward the couch and sat next to Kakashi. "Hey dad." I said to him.He wasn't my real dad but I still thought of him as one. He smiled through his mask and continued his conversation with Might-Guy and Iruka.

I heard a knock at the door and got up to open it. Sakura and Ino stood at the door and ran at me, I dodged and they both fell on their faces .Everyone looks at me at the door and I just shrug me shoulders, I walked in and stand besides sasuke as the 2 girls walk in. They both walked in and placed the presents on top of the counter top."Well let's get feasting!!!" yelled Naruto. I nodded and walked to the kitchen sitting down at the table, Sasuke sat on my left and Kakashi sat on my right. Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto sat opposite me. Food lined the table, there was (this is gonna be a long list) Chicken, turkey, potatoes, carrots, gravy, stuffing, yorkshire puddings and of course ramen (miso.) we all looked at each other and than dug into the food. Everyone around the table was enjoying themselves and eating all the food.

I looked around and noticed little things I noted in my head. Kakashi was staring at Iruka. Hinata was staring and Naruto while Kiba was looking at both in jealousy. Sakura was looking at me/sasuke and Choji was just enjoying the food - mostly the meats.

I was soon taken out of my trance by a cold hand grasping mine. It was a smooth soft hand, this hand was Sasukes. A slight blush creeped on my face and covered both of my cheeks, I looked at sasuke to see him smirking in my direction. I looked away and met the eyes of Naruto who just squinted at me. He stood up quickly and I awaited my sudden doom (Embarrassment.)

"What are you doing to Y/n, SASUKE!!" shouted Naruto. I just groaned and hit my head on the table.


And that's really it from me. That's my Christmas. Me, my friends and family that's all I need. So to everyone (From A/n) Merry Christmas!!

- From yours truly Y/n Hatake


Sasuke smiled as he looked at the letter in his hand. His old memories flooding back but he couldn't go back now he was to far. He turned swiftly, his cape elegantly drifting behind him.

Someone was watching.... Maybe and old friend.


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