right when i think i've overcome it

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Summary: Matt wakes up with heavy anxiety.
Tags: Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Platonic Brotherly Love, Canon Compliant
Disclaimer: This is in no way a representation of Matt's irl anxiety.


Matt sighed while sitting up in bed.

He'd awaken with a heavy weight on his chest, racing thoughts, and a hand that wouldn't stop shaking. He knew the signs, yet he couldn't quite accept it. His anxiety had been doing better since he graduated from high school. He rarely had anxiety attacks anymore, let alone a full fledged bad day which was riddled with endless anxiety and panic. Surely this wasn't it.

Matt swung his legs off the bed and was about to stand when a pain shot through his stomach. He groaned as he collapsed back onto his mattress, hand shooting to his stomach. No, he thought. Please don't be like this. It seemed silly to plead to one's body but after suffering with this particular disorder since middle school, he couldn't help but try anything, no matter how out there, to make himself feel comforted.

Now knowing that this was going to be one of the painful bad days, he prepared himself before he attempted to stand successfully. He refused to lay in bed all day and waste away; he needed to do something.

Matt completed his morning routine before heading out to the living room where he was greeted by both Nick and Chris on the couch, one watching a show on the television while the other focused on whatever was on their phone.

Matt didn't utter a word as he sat down at the corner of the couch and wrapped himself into a throw blanket. He attempted to get comfortable but everything felt so heavy, and he was so hot, and his mind was racing with inconsequential thoughts, and it was all too much. But he could do this. He could get through the day as if everything was okay.

"Morning, Matt," Chris said, turning his attention from the screen to his brother.

Matt gave Chris a small smile. "Hey," he murmured.

Chris frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Matt shaked his head and smiled wider. "Everything is good. Just didn't sleep well last night," he lied.

Chris nodded in understanding. "It was because I slept with Nick last night, right? Sorry, but I have to give Nick my lovin' too," Chris said with no ounce of sarcasm.

Nick looked up from his phone and scowled. "Sleep with Matt all you want. The amount of times I have tripped over you while getting up at night because you're right in the middle of my floor-"

"It's not my fault you put your fluffy rug there," Chris defended, feigning faux offense.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just don't whine about being hurt the next day again because I stepped on your ankle."

Chris pouted. "But you nearly broke my ankle. I thought I was dying," he reasoned.

"You also think you have a brain tumor any time you get a headache," Matt murmured.

Nick chuckled as Chris whipped his head to face Matt, betrayal clear across the youngest's face. "How dare you!" Chris said. "My worries are probable and-"

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