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"Hey, Rio, long time no see." Rio is always in here. She's a smart girl. 

"Oh, Y/N. I didn't expect to see you. It's usually Sakuta the pig." I chuckle at her nickname. "I know, but I might be needing your help for a while." 

"Does it happen to do with Sakurajima? I've been hearing you've been interested in her." Futuba says, stirring her coffee. I nod. 

"Puberty Syndrome. I thought I'd never see it until now, and it involves her. I need your opinion on it." I said. 

"I don't believe in that theory. You know that." I raise an eyebrow. 

"Even though I'm walking evidence..." I muttered. "Well, how does a person become invisible? Even if they are present." 

"The brain can filter out certain things if we're focused on something else, or simply don't want to see them." She starts. "However, there's also the observation theory." 

"I've heard of it. I never understood it." 

"It states any existence of an item or someone is only acknowledged by being observed no matter the state." She says. It makes sense.

"That sounds like what's going on. Mai is a celebrity and was being focused on or better, observed by all. Thus, she gains attraction and practically exists in their eyes." It makes perfect sense. But, how does one even break it? Perhaps, being observed again? That's the only thing I can think of.

"I think you can take it from here. I hope that helps." Rio says. She hands me her coffee cup. "Want a sip?" 

"I'll take it." 


Existing by being observed by someone. If this theory is true, then a populated place where it's easy to be noticed would be best. Mai at least does that correctly, but the results are not in her favor, probably because she wasn't observed prior.

This isn't as simple as I thought it would be.

I'm contradicting that thought because she is a celebrity. I need to test it. I walk over to the same cream puff stand and order one. "Ma'am, have you heard of Mai Sakurajima?" 

"Mai Sakurajima?" I nod. 

"No, I don't think so. Was there a celebrity under that name?" 

"Yes, she was the main role on a show," I said. 

"I don't know them. I'm sorry." She says while serving me my cream puff. I shake my head. 

"No worries. Have a nice evening." I walk away and continue my train of thought. So, she doesn't remember at all... Wait. 


My eyes widened as I quickly ran to my apartment, hoping to see her. That's why no one is seeing her. She's being forgotten. If she's slowly disappearing from people's eyes, then she's not being observed anymore, she just doesn't exist anymore! I'm so fucking stupid how did I not figure this out sooner. I might even have to use it right now. I reluctantly activate my Apneoa and rush my way home at a much faster pace. I finally arrived and ran up my stairs, almost leaping, and finally saw her at my door. I deactivate and catch myself to gain some air back in my lungs. 

Mai quickly rushes over to me and helps me out. "I'm alright now, thank you. Also, I got you this." I hand her the cream puff. 

"You idiot, is this what you were talking about being as normal as you can?" Damn it. Completely forgot she knows at least something. 

Compatible: Mai Sakurajima x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now