Chapter 27

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"We kept in mind the suggestions you gave us." The chef for the dinner after the wedding says, gesturing in his workers with the food. "And I just wanted you two to try everything before we served it to your guests tomorrow."

"Thanks for the call." Niall smiles. "Charlie has been getting anxious about the wedding."

"Well I would imagine with it being tomorrow you are pretty excited." The chef smiles at me.

"Very." I nod as he places food in front of Niall and I.

"I thought I should mention my names Chris." He steps back. "and at the reception there will be a buffet style with what you have in front of you. It's a tomato basil roast with grilled green beans and mash potatoes with rosemary gravy."

Niall digs in right away and I can't help but laugh. "Here." Niall holds up a bite of roast and I take it it from him.

"Holy sh-" but I stop myself. "This is amazing."

"Thank you." Chris does a small bow.

"I would have to say this is perfect for tomorrow." I nod, taking a bite of potatoes.

"Well it looks like I shall see you two tomorrow night then. Enjoy the rest of your meal." And with that Chris and his colleagues exit the room.

Niall quickly finishes his meal. "What are we going to do all night?" He wipes his face with his napkin.

"We could have sex." I shrug.

Niall chuckles, "You sound oh so enthused about it."

"I'm sorry!" I pout, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm just ready for it to be tomorrow. I just want to easily pass the time."

"And mindless sex is always the answer?"

"I'm anxious" I sigh. "and horny. Which is not a good combination."

"Awe you poor baby!" He pouts sarcastically.

"Shut up." I playfully push him away getting up and heading for the door.

Niall gets up as well, quickly catching up. "I am not just some piece of meat." Niall mimics with a laugh.

"It was dumb. Forget it." I roll my eyes, getting in the car.

"Are you going to pout now?" Niall gets in the drivers side, quickly pulling away from the restaurant.

"Niall I swear to god-"

"You just need to lighten up a bit." Niall places his hand on my knee, running his hand up and down my thigh. "Tomorrow is going to go fine."

"I'm am going to go out when we get home."

"And do what?" He questions.

"I don't know. Maybe call Calum." I shrug.

"Okay you do whatever you want." Niall responds and I can feel the tension.

"Please don't get mad at me the day before our wedding." I follow Niall out of the car once we reach the beach house.

"I'm not mad Charlotte." He smirks, opening the front door for me, gesturing me inside.

"God you sound like my mother."

"But seriously I'm not mad." He grabs a coke out of the fridge whilst I sit down on the bed. "If hanging out with Calum will calm your nerves and make you happy then do it. I am not here to stop you from being comfortable."

"You have changed so much." I grin, removing my shirt, putting on a gray crew neck that sits on the bed from this morning.

"For the better I hope?"

"You remember when you used to punch a guy just for talking to me."

"You mean the other day when I first met Calum?" He laughs.

"No you had other reasons to be mad about that." I shake my head. "I mean like with Harry all those times."

"He did love you though." Niall points out.

"But the point that I was trying to get to is that you trust me now."

"I've always trusted you." Niall narrows his eyes at me.

"So all those times that I was hanging out with Harry you didn't think we were doing something?" I smirk.

"Okay that's different."

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"I knew you were going to be trouble for the moment you shoulder checked me." Niall sits on the bed next to me.

"I hated you." I shrug.

"I know you did." He rolls his eyes. "You have been stubborn since the start."

"Sometimes I miss those days."

"Uh, why? All we ever did was fight."

"I don't know." I shrug. "It just seems as if it was always us against the world and no one could take that from us."

"You know it will always be us, even if the world isn't against us. We are better now Charlie. Our relationship is stronger."

"I love you." I take Niall's face in my hand, resting my forehead against his.

"I know." He grins, passionately kissing me.

"We have 15 hours before our wedding and you can't even say you love me?"

"Were we supposed to write vows?" Niall questions.

"You haven't written your vows!?" I push him back away from me.

"I have it under control." He reassures me. "I know what I am going to say."

"So you are telling me you are going to wing it?"

"That's exactly what I am telling you." He smiles. "I know how much I love you enough to talk about it for days."

"You are a romantic Niall."

"This is all your fault." He rolls his eyes and I cup his face, running my thumb over his cheek bone. "I used to be a hot, brooding, sex icon."

"Sex icon?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"What do you want me to say?" Niall sits back. "The ladies love me. Or used to until you turned me into a softie."

"Awe Niall I still think you are a sex icon." I stick out my bottom lip, pouting for him.

"You should." Niall grabs my hips, laying me down on the bed. "Now you still want to go see Calum?"

"I mean, I guess I can wait till tomorrow at the wedding." I shrug.

"That's what I thought." He slips his hands under my shirt as his lips leave small kisses along my neck and jaw.

"Tomorrow I will be Mrs. Horan." I take in a deep breath trying my best to process the thought. "Oh god."

Putting Together the Puzzle: A Dark Niall Horan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now