Chapter 5

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In Lireo..

Hitano pov

Hitano open his eyes and see Porsche isn't beside him.. Hitano then walk out from the chamber and walk towards the other chambers and open it.. Hitano then noticed Porsche isn't in Thankhun and Tem's room.. Hitano close the door slowly and go to another room and open it.. Hitano then noticed Porsche isn't in Ken, Macau and Porchay's room too.. 'Hitano close the door and speak in his heart..' Where did Porsche go..? Porsche.. Sweetheart.. Where are you? 'Muros then ask...' Hitano.. What are you doing here? 'Hitano then say..' Im looking for Porsche.. 'Aquil then reply back..' Not only Porsche but Vegas also gone'.. Minea then yell... 'Pirena! Amihan! Alena! Danaya! Where are you guys?!' Hitano then run towards Sanggres chamber and ask.. 'Reyna.. What's going on?' Reyna then ask.. 'Have you seen my daughters Hitano?' Muros and Aquil appear and notice that 4 Sanggres also gone missing.. Imaw then come towards them and say.. 'I will use my stick..'Imaw then recite a spell and show them a vision.. Hitano feel shock as he see Porsche is fainted on the ground with a blood coming out from his nose.. Hitano then say..' You guys stay here.. I will go to ice kingdom..'Muros then reply back..' How Hitano? You are no longer a hadezar.. 'Reyna then say..' use your remaining power Hitano.. I know you still have it.. 'Hitano nod and take Muros and Aquil then teleport to ice kingdom..

In Mineave(Ice Kingdom)


The fight still continue.. Porsche wake up slowly and feel a blood coming out from his nose and wipe it slowly.. Hitano, Muros and Aquil appear and strike the enemies down.. Mitena then strike the sanggres with her ice power.. Porsche use his gem to avoid those power from hitting the sanggres.. Porsche recite a spell and strike Mitena by using those ice power.. Those ice power manage to hit Mitena and her armys.. Vegas then say.. 'Hitano! Take Porsche out of here!' Muros also yell.. 'Danaya.. Go and leave this palace!' Danaya use her earth gem and strike those enemies down.. Amihan then take Porsche with him and teleport to Sapiro..

In Sapiro..

Raquim is busy with his work.. Suddenly.. Amihan and Porsche appear.. Porsche then say..' Q.. Queen.. A.. Amihan... 'Raquim feel shock and say..' Anak! Porsche! What is going on? 'Amihan then reply back.. Call your healers! We need to cure Porsche! I will explain everything later!' Raquim then nod and help Amihan to take Porsche to the chamber and put Porsche on the bed.. The healers give a medicine.. Amihan then help Porsche to drink those med and cover him with a blanket.. Raquim then ask..' Amihan anak.. What is going on? Why Porsche is like that..' Amihan hold her father hand and say.. 'Father.. Someone came to Lireo today..' Raquim frown and ask.. 'Someone?' Who is it Amihan? 'Amihan then reply back..' Its Mitena.. Queen Cassieopeia twin sister.. 'Raquim then reply back..' I never know that Cassieopeia have a twin sister.. Are you going back to Lireo or stay here? 'Amihan then say..' I will stay here with Porsche.. 'Raquim nod and leave Amihan alone with Porsche..

Amihan feel her cheek is wet.. Amihan hold Porsche's hand and ask..' Why Porsche..? Why you need to sacrifice your self again..? 'Porsche open his eyes and answer back..' Its my duty Queen Amihan.. As a queen.. You should stay put in Lireo.. Me and others can handle this.. But you are very stubborn.. Does all sanggres are stubborn like you hmm? 'Porsche stroke Amihan's cheek gently and wipe her tears and say..' Don't cry Queen Amihan.. Don't cry for me..'Amihan kiss Porsche's lips softly.. Porsche then return the kiss and touch their foreheads and say..' Im sorry because I can't fight too much.. 'Amihan shake her head gently and say..' Don't say that sweetheart.. 'Porsche kiss Amihan's lips softly again and say..' Im worry about others.. 'Suddenly.. Cassieopeia, Pirena, Hitano, Danaya, Alena, Muros, Vegas and Aquil appear.. Vegas hug Porsche and ask..' Sweetheart.. Are you alright hmm?'Porsche rub Vegas's back body gently and reply back..' Im fine Vegas.. How is the ice queen? 'Cassieopeia then reply back..' Im able to stop her.. And I managed to imprisoned her.. She won't come to Lireo for now.. 'Hitano look at Porsche with a worry expression and say..' Sanggres.. We must return to Lireo.. And for Porsche.. He will stay here with Vegas until Porsche is recover.. 'Alena touch Porsche's shoulder and say..' Hitano is right Porsche.. You really need a lot of rest.. Don't worry about your friends.. We will take care of them for you both.. 'Pirena then say..' I hope you will recover Porsche.. Please be safe.. 'Porsche nod slowly and look at Amihan as he noticed Amihan's face.. Vegas then say..' Amihan.. Please stay here with Porsche.. I give you a permission to take care of him.. If anything.. Teleport to Lireo and report to us immediately.. Im worry about our friends in Lireo.. That ice queen can't be trusted..' Vegas then stroke Porsche's head gently and kiss his forehead and say..' Sweetheart.. Queen Amihan will take care of you today.. Don't worry about me.. Sanggres are here.. 'Porsche nod and say..' Be careful all of you.. 'Cassieopeia nod and say..' Let's go everyone.. Minea is waiting.. 'The rest of them teleport back to Lireo while Amihan stay in Sapiro with Porsche.. Amihan massage her shoulders and look at Porsche then smile a little.. Porsche then say..' Queen Amihan.. Come and lay down beside me.. How long are you going to sit down like that?'

Amihan blush and say.. 'I will sleep on the floor..' Porsche shake his head and say.. 'Just lay down beside me Amihan.. Don't make me repeat..' Amihan use her magic and change her battle outfit into a blue dress..

Amihan then lay down beside Porsche and say.. 'We were fine since you left Lireo 2 years ago.. I thought that Lireo already free from enemies.. But I was wrong..' Porsche then kiss Amihan's lips softly and say 'Don't think too much alright.. You also need to rest..' Amihan then say.. 'Porsche.. Please stay here with me..' Porsche nod and bring Amihan close to him.. Amihan then hug Porsche and fall asleep..

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