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Clear blue sky loomed over her head as she walked towards her high-school. It had been a while since she was in Korea, she had been out in California for photo-shoots and adverts. She looked down at the asphalt sidewalk as she walked, her hand grasping onto the strap of her bag. She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned to see Yu-ri, one of her childhood friends. She quickly embraced her in a hug.

"Nice to see you too, Won-young!" She ruffled her hair as they parted away from the hug. She smiled down at her and held onto her hand. "After an year, you are back in Korea. How was the States?" She beamed as she started to skip with her. 

She started to wonder if she was always this energetic on a boring Monday morning or if she was just excited to see her after a while. "It was good, maybe a bit hot. But fine." She smiled down at her as they arrived at their school.

"Ooh, wait, you joined this year right?. So, you'll be in a separate class than me. Tough luck bud!" She patted her back, "But i think you'll be in the same class as Sung-hoon. You're in class A, right?" She nodded, following her into the building. "Then you'll be with him, that's easier for you, right?" She nodded, "It'll be nice to have someone i know around at all times." 

She continued to follow her like a lost puppy. Whilst walking towards her classroom, she spotted a pretty girl, short hair, dimples and a pretty smile. She looked at her, almost in awe of her beauty, the lass smiled at her and quickly looked away. She did the same, turning a bit red and nervous. She hid behind Yu-ri as she walked her towards her class.

"Here we go!" She patted her head and gestured her to enter, flashing her a reassuring smile before sprinting off. She took a deep breathe and entered into her class, quickly spotting someone she knew. He waved on over to her and patted the seat behind him.

"Hey bro!" He gave her a quick high-five as she sat down, she placed her bag onto the ground and looked at him. 

"When I was gone, did you water the plant I gave you?" Before she had left for America, she had politely asked him to look after one of her plants. She cherished, loved this plant with all her heart and hoped he was responsible enough to look after it. Yes, she trusted him, but with her lovely plant? She had to have some space for speculation and doubt.

He smiled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. She began to get anxious on what he was going to say, he cleared his throat and looked at her, dead in the eye and cleared his throat. "It's alive!" He cheered. She breathed a sigh of relief,  "Thanks Sung-hoon, i knew i could trust you!"

He turned his head towards the front as they heard the bell ring, she did the same. She noticed a tall and pretty woman enter the class. They stood up and bowed, before sitting down.

 "Good morning students! My names Sho Seung-wan and I am your Physics teacher!" She started off with a bright smile, it gave her feeling that she could and would be able to trust her on any matter. 

The class carried out as normal, but one person caught her attention. It was the pretty girl in the hallway, she had her head rested on her table, not paying attention to a single thing their teacher was saying.

 She heard the Ms. Seung-wan cleared her throat, "For today, i think it'd be best if our work is a group project." The whole class cheered, excited to choose their best friend as their partner. Sung-hoon looked back at her and smiled, she smiled back, knowing they'd choose eachother as their partners, if given the opportunity.

"I'll be pairing you guys up with the person who I think is most suitable for you!" She smiled as the whole class groaned in frustration. She was fine with it, there was a slim chance she'd get paired with Sung-hoon.

She called out a few pairs and handed them a topic, "Jang Won-young and....."  She looked up from her paper and to the classroom, before looking back down at it. She looked around the room, there were a few students who weren't sorted yet, one of them being the pretty girl she saw earlier. She still was laying down on the table, dozed off. 

"An Yu-jin!" She handed her a piece off paper, before walking towards the sleeping girl, lightly tapping on her shoulder. "Ms. An, please wake up" She softly said. The girl, almost immediately shot up, she could sleep within her eyes,"Yes, Miss?" She fixed her hair, innocently smiling at the teacher.

"Yu-jin, you are paired up with Won-young" She pointed at her with a soft look on her face, Yu-jin turned to her and smiled. She could feel fireworks burst in her stomach, but she didn't know why. Her cheeks heated up as she awkwardly smiled back at her.



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