Chapter 6: Let There Be Light

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The 12 siblings were standing in their new, endless void of pure white.

Light that was almost blinding as they sat and did nothing.

None of them had built anything to live in or distract themselves with.

They just sat in silent boredom.

"Brother, we have been here for millenia. What are we supposed to do?" 3 asked, hunched over while crossed legged and tapping the ground that wasn't even visible.

1 was sitting with his legs crossed, straight back and hands clasping his knees. He was in a deep meditation while the others sat annoyed.

2 was sitting directly next to 1, also meditating.

12 was the only person who wasn't sitting or standing. He was curled up into a ball and lying on his side, resting his head on 11's lap as she rubbed his head to comfort him. His eyes were wide open, staring out blank and expressionless.

12's nails were chewed down until they there were bite marks at the tips of his fingers.

The white void continued to sit still and bright.

"Relax. Think. And no creation. Because we can not let another void be destroyed." 1 spoke without opening his eyes.

4, 5, 7, and 8 were sitting in a circle playing with cards.

"Anybody got a Three?" 5 asked.

"That's no the game we're playing." 4 responded.

"Wait, we're playing a game?" 8 asked, having a house of cards built in front of him.

"You are all ridiculous." 7 spoke in Arabic.

Everyone instantly turned and stared at her in confusion.

"What was that?" 1 asked, his eyes now wide open.

7 looked around in fear.

"I...I um..." She stumbled over her words.

1 slowly rose to his feet.

"Did you...create your own language?" 11 asked.

"How did you do such a thing?" 10 asked, quickly making his way towards her.

7 got up and stepped back.

"I...I wanted to..." 7 sighed and reached behind their back.

She pulled out a small sphere.

Her own Universe that she created, full of life and thriving with hundreds of planets full of living things across various phases of evolution.

7 then dropped to her knees, holding it up as she stared downward with eyes shut.

"I wanted to do what our Creator wished of us. I wanted to share and spread love and knowledge." She said.

1 marched towards her with purpose, every step ringing out forever. He then slapped the Universe from her hands, which shattered on the floor with thousands of small pieces of space that resembled glass went outward.

"We will not suffer the same tragedy as before. No more creations. No more hiding secrets. Is that understood?" 1 asked, rageful grunts following his finished speech.

7 nodded and leaned down to put her head against the floor, whispering something to herself.

1 sighed and slowly turned his back to her, staring right into the eyes of 9.

"What is it Sister?" 1 asked.

"You tell us that creation will destroy us, and yet we have nothing. Do you think we will exist forever without any goal or purpose? That we will continue on without any type of fulfillment?" She asked.

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