Chapter 11: Laws of The Multiverse

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12 was looking out into the void, not quite light but not quite dark.

Colors had faded away, with only a few remaining.

12 stood as he looked at the tower of dead Universes.

Corpses of reality that sat alone.

Many of them had shattered or disappeared, but most of them were left as empty shells.

"How are we supposed to create an infinite number of these Universes? They die on their own without our assistance." 11 said.

12 was continuing to look at each Universe, observing them all.

"Our assistance his what leads them to die. They must be left to evolve on their own. We can not interfere with them. And even then, we will allow parameters and laws to keep them together. No more unkempt freedom. Rules to keep the Universes in check." 12 said.

"Rules? Like what?" 7 asked, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

"We must create laws. Laws that can't be changed or broken. Things such as..."

12 created a Universe in an instant, appearing in his hand as he waved it around.

Things began to form, planets and stars growing larger and larger.
But as they grew, the objects around them began to grow to varying sizes.

"What if, the size of something is what controls the force? The larger, the stronger." 12 said.

"But what will that mean for the orbits?" 10 asked.

12 waved his hand again.

Things were changing slowly, the laws being encoded into the Universe he was holding.

The planets that were closer to the star began to spin around it faster. The larger ones further away were moving slower.

But then the orbits themselves began to adjust and changed without 12's input.

They all watched as the orbits changed from circles to ellipticals, stretching out.

"What is happening?" 10 asked.

"It appears the force is altering the orbits on its own. Your law is changing how this Universe will function...and it is staying stable." 11 said as she stared at the sphere.

12 smiled as he waved his hand again.

"But I think something that caused problems was only one building block for objects. Matter that made the physical. What if we made other types? It could keep things held together even stronger. It could prevent things from expanding too quickly. Keep the Universe held together for longer." 12 said.

He put his hand on the barrier, the matter that already existed beginning to split into other forms.

AntiMatter and Dark Matter suddenly formed, the Universe now staying together much better than before. Expansion slowed, the Universe staying close together.

Galaxies formed faster, staying tight together and forming concrete shapes.

Everything began to grow at a controlled pace on its own. No more chaos or randomness.

The other siblings watched in amazement as 12 closed his eyes.

Other forces began to appear.

The stages of matter began to form in his very hands.

Solids, Liquids, Gasses, and Plasmas all forming and moving from one to another. The stages were all being set and created by 12 as he continued to push further.

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