Chapter 9: Stands At The Threshold

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12 was standing in the center of the endless void.

A massive expanse of Universes all crowded together in a tight and dense cylinder.

The other siblings were slowly, perfectly working on one at a time.

Making sure they were proud of the Universes.

Yet 12 was making one after another after another.

Each Universe was sitting on its own, beginning to evolve and adapt on its own.

But the other siblings were taking care of them. Nurturing them to grow slowly in the way that they wanted.

12 let the people in his Universe live and die. Begin and end without cause or reason.

While the other siblings took charge of each living thing. Building the worlds themselves in their image.

Helping the creatures live their lives without pain or death.

They continued to create or alter in silence, focused on their own worlds and nothing else.

12 continued on, adding Universe after Universe to fend for itself.

As the tower became more and more dense, the Universes began to press harsher and harsher against each other.

Between two that were being pressed together, the barriers began to push harsher together.

A violently bright white light fired out in every direction. The gravity and force became so intense that a black hole formed, and yet the light continued to shoot out painfully bright.

The siblings covered their faces as 12 turned his attention to the strange phenomenon.

"What is happening?" 5 shouted as she covered her eyes.

12 made his way towards the two Universes.

The edges towards the barriers had become warped and stretched out beyond what should've been possible. Time and space being pushed outward and inward simultaneously.

Being collapsed and expanded out into disturbing and disgustingly warped space that never repeated or looked mirrored in the other Universe.

"Well, that's intriguing." 12 said.

He reached out his hand towards the glowing light, and yet even he could feel the tremendous force pulling him in. He pulled his hand back, looking at the tower of Universes he had built.

His therapy in a way.

He took a deep breath in, then slowly breathed out.

"Be careful of those. I don't think even we're able to seperate them." 12 said.

10 had made his way over to observe it closer.

"What do you think it is?" He asked.

"Not sure Brother. Perhaps it is the effect of so much energy and force being pushed together." 12 replied as he looked for more of them throughout the tower.

10 stroked his chin as he continued to observe it.

"I think it's a doorway." 10 said.

12 looked at him curiously.

"That much force would crush whatever attempted to use it." 12 replied.

10 stepped closer.

"Yes, but it''s so beautiful. I almost feel this sense of peace and calmness staring at it." 10 stared as the bright white light pierced his eyes and went straight to his brain. His pupils dilated wide as he smiled.

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