a reunion, a history of a Fruit and an incedent.

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Aftermath of Chapter 2!
this will also have spoilers of the origenal Manga!
so read at risk!


but when Sabo and I ran to the exit we saw Lance in front of 10+ bodies. we didn't know what he did at first. but then we knew he killed them. brutally.

Lance lost his cool and tried to attack Sabo, but I got in the way and took the attack. it pierced through me. As I went down to the ground I lit up my hand with black flames to get the sharp object out of my chest. i got it out but. so much blood poured out of me that I passed out.

as my father(he see's Daji as his 3rd father) got impaled with a piece of blood. i could'nt help it but my tears were going out for it. the same happend to Lance, from what i saw.

As soon as we got back home, we brought Daji to the Emercency Room, he needed surgery FAST. he luckily made it out alive.

When Daji and Sabo enterd the room i was in, they saw what i had done. I couldn't let that slide. so i made the stance to attack Sabo first. but Daji got in the way. and my attack hit him instead. i didn't want that to happen..., my eyes were filled with tears. so did Sabo's

we got home and brought Daji to the Emercency Room. he made it out alive.

As soon as i was out of surgery. Sabo and Lance came rushing in, i told them to come here and give me a hug.


Sabo and i were walking in the nearby forest, but then we walked onto Akainu and Smoker. we haven't seen them in 13 years..., its strange. the last time we saw them was when someone of Rocks.D. Xebec's crew member broke out..

but then i saw Akainu wearing my old vice-admiral coat i left behind after i flew of with 12 year old Sabo. then i asked-
Daji- A- Akainu.., is that my coat that i left behind?
Akainu- yeah.., I guess it is, saw it laying on the ground and took it. because you were on of the best docters of the marines 13 years ago.., i couldn't leave that behind. we have a  copy of this exact coat at the wall of lengends..
Daji- i was considerd a legend..?, what are you saying Akainu?
Akainu- you heard me. you helped so many marines that you were considerd a legend among the world government. also your Devil Fruit is.. how do i put this..
Daji- come on Akainu.
Akainu- well.., its the second most dangerous to the world government and the world it self..
Daji- what..?, thats impossible. its just an zo'an type Devil Fruit?.
Akainu- no its not. its real name was hidden from the world. the real name is- hito hito no mi, mytical zo'an type. model: Akuma.
Sabo- ..., h- how could've me and Dragon n- not have know about this?
Smoker-..., I wish i could've told you eariler..
Daji- what. so i could destroy the world if i wanted to?, just like whitebeard and his 4th in command?
Akainu- yes you can. but only if you akwaken it.
Daji- wow.., I couldn't imagine it..

-next day-


As i was walking into my room, i saw Ace and Luffy. Ace was passed out and Luffy was holding him up so he wouldn't fall. 

Luffy- Sabo!!, please hold him i cant anymore!
Sabo- yeah sure budd.

so i walked over to them, and held Ace. Soon Ace woke up, but then Daji walked in.

Daji- Sabo, Dragon has called you to his office. you have to go.
Sabo- ah ok, thanks for telling pa!.
Ace- since when do you call Daji 'pa'?
Sabo- well he saved me from a war. and raised me for 13 years after that soo, that's why?
Ace- wow. i never knew.
Daji- yeah yeah, now go you -pats all three guys's heads-
Sabo- i'll go i'll go!

-at Dragon's office-

Sabo- you wanted to see me?
Dragon- yes i did. i want you, Ace, Luffy and Daji to go to. marijoa.
Sabo- WHAT?!?!, you know it'll get us killed!?.
Dragon- i know. but you and Ace have logia type's. so you two wont get much injured.but for Daji and Luffy i dont know. but please go.
Sabo- fine. but if we dont come back its not my fault.

-at marijoa-

As Daji was doing his own thing, me, Ace and Luffy went to the castle.

Sabo- okay so. Luffy you go and try to get the system to turn of, and dont do anything stupid.
Luffy- okay!, and i wont do anything stupid!
Sabo- yeah yeah, and ace you go and try to defea-
(i heard somthing, us revolutionary's are trained with their senses i can sense things faster then other people.)
Ace- what's wrong?. Sabo?

as i grow my wings and horns i get hit by an unknow object. then i tell Ace to grab Lufy and get out here.


Daji- so i left Luffy, Ace  and Sabo to do their own thing.. now what.

-Daji has done his part of the plan and is now waiting on the three boy's, but then he saw Ace and Luffy run to me. but not in a happy way-

Daji- what's wrong you two?
Ace- *cough cough* SABO IS STILL IN THERE *cough*
Daji- WHAT!?!

-meanwhile with Sabo-

as i was pinned down by this object, I looked up to see a woman. I didn't know who she was. but then she like shapshifted into..


next week 2/3 new chapters!!
words- 940!
if there is'nt a new chapter, reach me on youtube or tiktok!
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One shots of my One Piece AU | hope it's entertaining!-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang