-- Unexpected Visit --

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-- UZI --

I was just chilling on my bed, when I heard a knock on the door. I open it and find Doll and Lizzy. "Oh, hey, guys." I say, waving sheepishly. "Heeey! Just wanted to say hi since it's been a while since we chatted. Like, how are you?" Lizzy said cheerfully, walking inside with Doll close behind. I shut the door and led them towards my room, where we sat down.

"У тебя прекрасная комната, Uzi." Doll said, positioning herself on a bean bag. "Это удобно." I sat down on my bed and replied. "Yeah, I took some time to decorate after escaping the cathedral. How was your life after that event, Doll?" I said. "Хорошо, я рада, что моя мать вернулась." She said. 

"I agree with Doll, this room is super hot. Not temperature-wise, of course." Lizzy said. "So, how have you been, Uzi?" She asked me. I shrugged. "Pretty well, doing better with my dad everyday. My mom is super nice, and it's been pretty good over the past few years. Not much to do anymore now that I'm out of school." I said.

"Приятно знать, Uzi. Иногда требуется время, чтобы привыкнуть к обычной жизни после грандиозного события." Doll said, nodding. I wasn't fast to respond, since my mind was constantly rambling about Cyn and why she was here. My thoughts were interrupted by Lizzy, however.

"So I heard there was this, like, GIANT spaceship that just crashed into our planet and god damn, it was really ugly looking. Like next time you come in a spaceship, do it stylishly, y'know?" Lizzy said, rolling her eyes. "And then this weird girl just stepped out as if she wasn't crushed. Like, completely unscathed. I had no idea who she was, but I think Doll knows. Do you?" She said, and turns to look at Doll after she finished talking. "Я не знаю эту девушку, клянусь, что нет." Doll said nervously. "Нам не стоит беспокоиться об этом незнакомце, дорогая."

Lizzy squealed "Aww, I love it when you call me that!" and did a little <3 on her screen. I was confused for a moment. "Wait, are you guys dating?" I finally said, figuring it all out. Both Doll and Lizzy nodded. "Yeah, we made a whole party about it like two weeks ago. You were our first guest to invite, but you didn't show up." Lizzy said. "Say, where WERE you? We tried talking to your mom and dad if you were here, but they said you were somewhere in the forest. We decided not to investigate any further, since you probably were doing something important."

"Мы очень волновались, Uzi. Тебе повезло, что ты сейчас не умер. Лес — опасное место, даже если Solver не сможет отгонять от него дроны." Doll agreed, nodding. I almost panicked. They were so close to finding out. So. Close.. Luckily, my thoughts were interrupted by Lizzy once again. "Oh, how's V? When I heard you guys coming back, I didn't see V, but there was this other Murder Drone that had two ponytails and she looked like my dad but female and more taller."

I stammered, and Doll turned to look at me. She knew that V was dead, but had she not told Lizzy? Oh right, she didn't see V die. "Well- I-" I sighed, deciding to tell her the truth. I told her about finding Doll, and how she let in a bunch of Sentinels, and one of them sabotaged our escape plan, so V had to sacrifice herself. When I was done, both Lizzy and Doll looked very shocked. 

"В то время я и не подозревал, что мой план сработает. Я только и сделал, что впустил этих Sentinels, а затем упал в соборную пещеру. Мне очень жаль вас, Uzi и Lizzy." Doll said, looking as if she would tear up. I had never seen Doll cry before. She was always an aloof figure for most of my life, and she never really smiled, other then knowing she'd make an excellent plan. "I forgive you Doll, but let's put that in the past. After all, we're here now, aren't we?" I said, helping Lizzy calm down her partner.

What I was really thinking about was of Cyn. Was she a threat to everybody?

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