Chapter 3 - Making Deals

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September Street. A district in Funk Town that most turn their heads upon, and ignore. On the surface, it's the most unsightly, rundown part of town, being just an old warehouse, and a few buildings barely maintaining the facade of being open. Behind closed doors under the cover of night, September Street comes to life. Anyone needing a favor, a job, or the unobtainable through the common channels, comes here to make a deal with the devil.

Under the cover of night, two faces enter the street. Coming from either side, Jumper and Chester arrive on the scene. Jumper walks down one way, with Chester the other. Both walk down the same path toward each other. Under Jumper's arm is a small, compact laptop.

The two thieves stop at the opening of an alleyway between two buildings. Making eye contact, they give each other a knowing nod before turning on their heel to walk down the alleyway.

Passing vendors selling bootleg Battle Chips, NetNavi modifications, and Navi deletion recovery kits at extorted prices, they finally reach the end, coming up on a building with bars over the windows.

Outside the building is a bouncer. The tall, muscular type with a stern look, rocking high-quality sunglasses. They look meaner than most and could compress coal into a flawless diamond with their neck. Chester steps forward, presenting an envelope. He hands it over to the bouncer and leans into their ear. After whispering something, the bouncer lets out a grunt before stepping back. Pulling out their own PET, they unlock the door, allowing them entry. As the pair enter, the bouncer locks the door behind them, as per his instructions.

The building used to be a bar. One where the former workers of the warehouse would visit after a shift, back when the street was still lively. The bar is still open, although now it's used as a hangout for lowlifes, and a meet-up spot for hackers and thieves. The perfect place for the two data thieves.

They are here to meet a client. With the bar being nearly empty, their attention falls upon a stranger sitting in the back by the poker table. Above the table is a hanging light, illuminating everything but the stranger.

"Ah, gentlemen, glad you could arrive," the stranger remarks. They gesture for them to approach, identifying themself as their client.

Walking up to the table, the client keeps their face in the shadows. Despite the light, all that can be made out about them is the silk white gloves, and the lenses on their glasses, which shine like lights.
"I'm so glad you could be here today. What I have for you is quite urgent, as I'm sure you could guess. I would like to...," the client speaks, but is cut off by Jumper holding his hand out.
"Hang on," he sets the laptop down on the poker table, and boots it up. "Okay, now we're ready." Turning the laptop around, the screen reveals MaskMan.
"Good evening. I am MaskMan. I am here with my comrades on the behalf of my operator." The camera on the laptop sends the live feed back to Shadow, keeping her in the loop while one monitor is open, ready to send messages to her Navi.
"Now we're all here," Chester remarks, giving their potential client the go-ahead with their pitch.

Their potential client is amused, "I see. You are an interesting bunch," the client comments. "Very well, now that we're all gathered here, I can get to the point."

The client reaches under the table and pulls out a touchscreen pad. After pressing a few buttons on the screen, they pull up an image.
"This man is your target. His name is Adam Finch. He was a former business tycoon, and CEO of one of the largest companies in Yumland, his native home before retiring in Rock City." The image displays a regular-looking old man wearing a suit worth more than a penthouse.

"A retired businessman?" Chester questions. "Must have a pretty sizable pot for him to be living comfortably in his golden years?"

"Indeed he does. He still receives profits now as we speak, but it's not money I wish for you to remove from his care, no. What I want is something more valuable than just the green," the client is vague.
"What could be worth more?" Jumper asks, wanting the meeting to go smoothly.

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