Hyun-Su x Reader || Two

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A/N: Same relationship as part one. Reader finds out Hyun-Su is a monster.

This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence and descriptions of monsters that could be disturbing. Proceed with caution.


You're not one to get caught off guard, not usually. You've always been cautious, measured, far-sighted. It had been an advantage back in high school, and you're pretty sure it's what kept you alive thus far.

Yet, in this new world that you never asked to be a part of, unforeseen complications were the norm. You could plan, and plan, and plan ahead, but here you were, freezing in your living room, because the biting cold of the lasting winter meant that you'd run out of fuel for your small generator, and everything else you used to generate electricity wasn't functioning the way it should.

If you didn't want to freeze to death, you had to act, and act quick.

You'd already held out a few more days than was reasonable, hoping that the weather would clear and your solar panels would be useful again, or - but you hadn't dared to voice that thought - that Hyun-Su would come by, and you could ask for his help. He'd offered before, after all, even if he had always kept you at arm's length whenever you'd returned the favor.

But things were dire now, and you couldn't wait any longer, so you're kneeling in your living-room, preparing yourself for a hazardous trip in the outside, shivering as you do. Things are dangerous enough on a good day, but the snow that's been continuously falling only makes you dread it more. It swallows sounds, means you'll leave tracks behind you, and you'll consume twice as much energy just to move around.

The last thing you pack is a map, which you make sure to keep available, though you hope you won't need it in between breaks.

You're heading for a four-stories parking lot, where you hope you'll find fuel in one of the cars, but that's not the dangerous part. What's risky is that monsters love these kinds of places, with all their nooks and crannies, all the dark places to hide, and fear already has your heart beating twice as fast as usual before you've even opened your door.

Still, you take a steadying breath, haul the backpack over on your shoulders, and exit the house without making a sound.

Everything is quiet outside. Snow is falling gently, and the sight would be heart-warming, if it wasn't for all the overturned cars, the gaping hole torn into the building opposite from yours by one of those missiles a few months ago, and the worrying fresh footprints going towards the river. The snow also covers the decomposing bodies, and you can only hope that you don't accidentally step on one as you start walking.

At least it fills your tracks behind you. By the time you've reached the other side of the street, which was one once an impossible task due to how bad traffic you used to be, nothing leads back to your door, and you leave with, at least, the reassurance that home will still be here waiting for you when you come back.

If you come back.


There's comfort in knowing that you'd planned well, this time, to get to the parking lot. You get to your destination with only expected complications. You spot the monsters before they spot you. You have to reroute twice, but that had been accounted for, and you don't even have to pull out your map. You reach the building right before noon, and after surveying it for a few minutes, you let yourself in before you can chicken out.

In the dark, you make your way to the first floor, where you will be able to have the greyish light of the day, instead of having to use precious batteries for your flashlight.

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