Hyun-Su x Reader || Five

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A/N: As usual, this is the same relationship as in the other Hyun-Su parts.


Hyun-Su stays over at your place quite often now. Long gone are the days when he would drop by for no more than a couple of hours and flee the scene, as though he was scared that you spending time with him would make you despise him. Now he helps you out around the house, and, when he offers, the two of you go out on 'dates' around the city. It still makes you nervous, being out in the open, but Hyun-Su doesn't hesitate anymore to take your hand in his and guide you through the empty streets.

When you're both in your apartment, you can almost tell yourself you're two college students living together. Almost. If it wasn't for your blinds being always drawn to ensure no monsters could see you from outside, or your parents' former room being turned into a laboratory by your dad before his disappearance, the illusion would be close to perfect. You do like the thought of it. Imagining you and Hyun-Su, sharing a place in a world where the Apocalypse hadn't happened... It would be sweet.

That being said, despite your developing relationship, that you still haven't put words on, Hyun-Su keeps sleeping on the sofa. You'd prepared a blanket and a pillow, 'just in case', in the very beginning, and that is where he still collapses every night. You've been waiting, hoping he would ask for another— arrangement, but he hasn't said anything, and now you're wondering if you should.

It isn't always easy, being the one taking all the steps in the relationship. Makes you wonder if you're pushing too much, too fast, makes you wonder how much he wants it. And yet, if he does want it but doesn't dare to ask, how stupid would it be to lose that much time, when you never know how long you have?

"Um, Hyun-Su?" you say that night, as you're about to leave for your room. He looks up at you with these beautiful dark eyes of his. "I was just thinking— you know you don't have to sleep here, right?"

He blinks at you.

"Do you— are you asking me to leave?" he asks, and you immediately want to slap yourself. A few months ago, you think he'd have been half-way to the door already. Now, he sounds cautious and a little worried, but he doesn't seem to have jumped to conclusions just yet.

"No," you sigh, resisting the urge to bang your head against the door frame because, yeah, it makes sense he'd interpret it like that. "No, I just meant you could, uh—" you glance towards your room. "Just meant you have other options. Here. If you— if you want to."

You don't know why you're so nervous all of sudden. You think a part of you cannot forget how beloved Hyun-Su was in high school, while you were— no one. If the world wasn't ending, you don't think he would have looked at you twice. So, sometimes, you wonder if he wants you the same way you want him. It doesn't help that he doesn't initiate much of your more intimate moments, and isn't much of a talker in general.

Hyun-Su's eyes slowly move to the open door to your room, then move back to you, going wide.

"Are you—" His voice cracks. "Are you sure?"

You nod, not really trusting yourself with words right now. You don't want to sound desperate for affection, but you also don't want, even for a second, to make it sound like it's something you're nonchalant about.

"Okay," Hyun-Su mumbles. "Okay."

He gets up from the couch, walks over to the door, where you're still standing. You're both quiet when you take his hand in yours and pull him towards the bed. It feels awkward, but you don't have enough experience with this sort of thing to tell if that's how it's supposed to be.

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