Hyun-Su x Reader || Three

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A/N: Still the same relationship as the previous parts. No warnings apply.


Hyun-Su sits at your table like he's not sure he has the right to be there. He's been less cautious around you lately, less distant, now that he knows that you accept him wholeheartedly for who he is, all that he is, even the dark, ugly parts that he tried to keep from you. But sometimes, when he is in the space that is so clearly yours, he still makes himself small, as if he thinks you'd kick him out if you remembered he was there.

It doesn't matter that you invited him in and insisted he stayed. The fear that you could change your mind at any point, that the longer he's around, the more he risks showing you a part of him you won't like, that's what sticks.

When you sit down across from him, he notices your eyes landing on his bruised knuckles, sees your brow furrows. Sheepishly, he removes his hand from the table.

"Doesn't it hurt?" you ask.

You ask that a lot. Worry a lot. Selfishly, he likes that you do.

"It's fine," he replies, voice quiet. "It will heal."

The wounds won't get infected, they won't kill him, and they'll go away eventually. So, sure, it stings as long as they're open, but he's long stopped bothering with cleaning or treating them. Who cares about his pain anyway?

"That's not the point," you say, reaching out for his hand. He doesn't resist when you take it in yours. How could he? Your fingers are soft, gentle, your skin is warm. It's like he melts into your touch, like his muscles turn into lead.

It also makes him greedy, makes him want to know what it would do if you touched him more, in different ways. Inside him, the monster stirs, and Hyun-Su forces it back down.

You lift his hand and blow on the wounds that mar his knuckles. The gesture is childish, and despite himself, a smile breaks on his face.

"That's not going to change much."

He notices belatedly how fond his voice sounds. He's usually so careful not to let it be so obvious, but you just surprised it out of him. If you notice, you don't let it show. Instead, you roll your eyes at him — until you get another idea.

He looks at you in bemused interest as you lower your face towards his hand. And then he realizes what you're doing, and his heart skips a beat.

You glance up at him, a silent request for his approval, before you go any further. He doesn't know how to give it to you, doesn't know if he should, if it's safe.

He also doesn't take his hand away.

Your lips press gently against his knuckles, and it sends a jolt through him that ignites his whole body. He can't see himself, but he's sure he's blushing. When you meet his eyes again, he averts his immediately, swallows, clears his throat. But then he feels you open your fingers, letting his hand slip from your grasp, and he tightens his hold on you at the last second. He cannot bear the thought of losing your touch, not just yet.

"That—" His voice cracks. "That does help."

"Oh," you say, and then your thumb runs over his hand in a soft caress. He exhales, long and slow. He'd do anything for you not to let go of him.

When you stand up, his head shoots up, eyes following you like a puppy — only for you to get closer to him. You roll your lips together, still searching his expression for approval. You trace a wound on his shoulder, one he doesn't even remember getting, if he's being honest.

"Would it help here?" you ask.

Hyun-Su's whole body is buzzing with the absolute, desperate need to be touched again.

All he can do is nod.

You lean in, kiss his shoulder, and he closes his eyes. He wants to drown in you. He wants you to run your hands over his body, he wants to touch you so bad, and he hates himself for remaining so still. But then you touch his cheek, trace his jaw, and he's so infinitely thankful that you do what he can't.

You're the one who's not meeting his eyes this time, as your index finger brushes against his bottom lip. There's no wound there, they're just chapped, and yet...

"How about here?"

He's almost shaking in anticipation by now. He thinks he'd kill to be kissed by you — he knows the monster would. But again, he just nods.

So, standing in front of him, between his legs, you cup his cheek in the gentlest of ways, like he's precious, and you kiss him again. It's soft, gentle, just lips against lips. You make a delicate sound when you part from him, and he regrets the loss of it immediately. It must be why he blurts out, before you can move any further "It still hurts."

Your eyes go wide for a second, before a smile stretches your lips. He only gets a second to ask himself if he asked for too much, if you're going to be disgusted with him for daring to ask, if—

You kiss him again, a little harder this time, nose pressing against his cheek. Your hands move to the back of his neck to support yourself better. Hyun-Su feels you part your lips, feels your tongue against his mouth, and that is when he loses it.

He's happy that you have your eyes closed because, even though he feels fully in control of himself at the moment, he's not sure which color you'd see in his just now.

He pulls you into his lap, hands on your hips at first before he moves one of them, just a little, to the small of your back. You're all over him now, body against his, scent overwhelming, your taste on his tongue. The apartment would be quiet, if it wasn't for the sound of your mouths together, and for the rush of his blood in his ears.

You gasp quietly into him, your teeth catch against his bottom lip and it makes him shiver. He dares then, caught in the euphoria of it all perhaps, to reach up to touch your face, long fingers stroking your cheek. His skin is on fire everywhere you touch it, but he wouldn't give it up for the world, and he finds itself praying it never ends.

Yet it does, fairly abruptly, when he realizes, suddenly, that he's falling. On instinct, he wraps his arms around you to protect you, and then the two of you hit the floor. The chair had to have tipped backwards at some point, without the two of you noticing.

There's a moment of stunned silence afterwards, before you let out a quiet laugh, hiding your face in his shoulder.

Much to his surprise, he hears himself laugh as well. It just feels easy to do, when you're in his arms. His heart is still pounding, his lips are tingling, and his breathing is shallow, but he's feeling emotions he hasn't felt in years.

He's happy.

Deep inside of him, the monster takes a step back, satiated.

For now, anyway.


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