When everything fell apart

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Vijay continued to come home late and drunk every night. He would come home late and argue with Parvati on the smallest things. At first it started with little fights and arguments but later it turned into big fights and Vijay started to beat Parvati.

Seeing her father behave like this, Sana used to sit on a corner of their bedroom crying, traumatized and scared.

Parvati used to protect Sana from her husband. Sana was badly traumatized and used to cry to sleep almost every night.

Sana grew hatred towards her father a little by little. Parvati was enduring everything silently.

All of these continued for more than 2-3 years.

After enduring for all these years, Parvati started going out. She used to go out at after noon and come back right before Vijay. So Vijay doesn't catch her going out.

Parvati would come with new gifts and bags every day. Sana would stay alone at home and cry. She was 7 years old and she got none of her parents to spend time with.

One night Vijay came home sober and Parvati got some courage to talk to him.

"I want to start working" Said parvati. "What kind of work?" Vijay replied with a frown. "At a cotton company. My job is to see the machines. If the machines are working properly, if not then make it work properly" Parvati said.

"What do I have to do then?" Vijay asked. "I have to do a training, and the training costs ₹3000 every month. 6 months training" Parvati answered.

"Also, have to pay advance." Parvati added.

"Here, your advance, admit yourself tomorrow" Said Vijay taking out 6 ₹500 rupee note.

Parvati took the money and asked if Vijay had eaten.

"No, I didn't eat from outside. Did you even make something at home?" Replied Vijay.

"Yes, I will heat the food then" Said Parvati. And left to kitchen.

Vijay freshened up while Parvati heats the food.

Parvati searved the food in table and said "I've already eaten. I'm going to sleep now".

Parvati left to bedroom and slept with Sana.

Vijay had dinner and then also slept.

Suddenly Parvati started going out before Vijay and would come back late at night,  After Vijay.

She would sometimes come back with messy hair and messed lipstick.

Oneday Vijay caught her like that and ask her several questions, like where she went, why she is this late, why she has to wear makeup and lipstick in her work and so on.

Parvati used to reply shortly and go to bed. Vijay really hated this attitude of Parvati and used to have fights and arguments on this all the time.

One day while Sana was in school, Parvati took her lover to her home. And that day Vijay also came home too early. Eventually Vijay caught Parvati cheating on Vijay with another man.

Vijay became so furious that he strated a fight with the man, Parvati was cheating on Vijay with. Vijay came in front of Parvati and slapped her tightly and shook her by her shoulders. Asked her " What did I do to deserve this? What did I do that you had to cheat on me? Why did you cheat on me? TELL ME. YOU HAVE TO TELL ME. TELL ME WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME." Vijay started crying, hugging Parvati.

Parvati said " Now you know everything, I don't think I should hide anything from you. I will divorce you. And I am going to stay with the person I love the most. He gives me everything. Money, time, love, care, literally everything. He can give me the world. And on the other hand, here you are. You can't even give me 10% of what he can give me"

"I don't what to waste my time here. I'll leave Sana with you. If you can, at least raise her. " Added Parvati.

Parvati already packed 2 suitcases. She brought them out and was about to leave. Parvati turned back and looked at Sana. Stepping towards her only daughter whom she loved more than herself, Parvati started to tear up. Parvati walked up to Sana and bent down at Sana's level and placed some kisses on Sana's forehead and cheek.

Seeing her mother going with another man and understanding that her mother is never going to come back Sana stated to cry loudly. Sana tried to stop her mother to leave her. She wanted to stay happily with her family like before, she wanted a happy family with her mom and dad. She was also scared, what will her father do with her after her mother is gone? Will he beat her?

So many questions and emotions were running thought that little girl.

Watching her mother leave the house, holding other man's hand. She cried meserebelly. She didn't know what to do.

Vijay held Sana in his arms and hugged her and cried to his fill.

He broke everything in the house, every decoration thing, vases, photos, everything.

He had cuts all over his body and hands. When Vijay hugged Sana he hissed in pain. Watching her dad hissing in pain Sana broke the hug, got up and ran to take the first aid box. She cleaned her dad's wounds and treated them well.

Vijay took Sana in his arms and took her to bed.

They both slept, and Sana was patting her dads head to make him fall asleep. Parvati used to do this to make Sana fall asleep.

Vijay and Sana both fell asleep hugging each other. The dried tears in both of their cheeks were visible.

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