The U turn of life

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4 years later:~

Sana was sitting in a table of a fancy restaurant, waiting for someone. It was a special day for her.

A young man in black suit, with a bouquet of her favourite flower daisy in his hand, came through the giant front gate and walked straight upto Sana's table .

"Ohh, so you are finally here" Said Sana sarcastically. "Yes babe, I had so many works today. That's why I ran a little late" Said Sana.

The young man called a waiter and they both ordered food.

The food arrived "Neel, pray first! "Ordered Sana in an angry voice.

" Oh! Sorry, I totally forgot" Said Neel biting his tongue.

They both had dinner after their prayer was done.

After their food was done, they had desert. while having the desert, Sana suddenly spoke up. She said, "Neel? Who is Anita? " Neel looked at Sana, shocked. Sana sat their calmly as she knew everything that was going on. It's been 3 months that she found out everything. Neel had put down his spoon. He was sweating like he ran 5km or he had eaten a dozen of really spicy chillies. Sana looked into Neel's eyes, Demanding an explanation.

"Okay, I don't wanna lie to you anymore. I've been cheating on you for a year now. And I'm board of you. She is more fun and interesting than you are. You are just soo boring. You don't even let me touch you now." Said Neel.

"Ok, you know what, we are done. Please be happy with that bitch. And yeah. I don't even wanna see you face ever again. " Said Sana with rage.

Her eyes started to tear up. She lowered her head and looked at the ground. As the tears are flowing down her cheeks.

Sana got up right then, grabbed her bag and left the restaurant.

She did not take any can or anything. She decided to walk home. Suddenly her eyes landed on a counter (from where everyone buys alcohol).

She went to the counter and bought 2 bottles of vodka and 2 bottles of rum. After laying she left.

She started drinkingvher first bottle of rum. The most disgusting thing was its taste because it was her first time trying alcohol.

She got drunk just after half of the bottle. It started raining too. Instead of taking a shelter somewhere. She decided to walk and dance in the rain. She removed her shoes, picking them up in her left hands and the bottle of rum in her right hand. She was dancing and walking in winter, in rain. That night Sana reached home at dawn and went straight to her bedroom and cried for several good hours, nonstop. She was hurt, very hurt. Her life, her world and everything collapsed. The person with whom she imagined her whole futuremtgat very person cheatee on her. She was finally happy in her life and God too that happiness too.

It took her more than a year but she tried to overcome the past.

One day Sana got really sick, she had a really bad fever and the fever won't get better no matter how much you do. Somehow she got a little better.

After the incident. Sana got a call around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It was an unknown number. She picked up the call. The person from the other side spoke, even before Sana could say anything. The other person asked "am I talking to Sana dey? . If I am then please come to xxxx hospital, your father got into an accident and he was admitted here". Sana got really scared as this wS his first time in an accident.

She ran to the hospital as fast as she could. Reaching the hospital, a doctor explained to her that Vijay has some serious health issues and if it is not taken care of immediately then he might not survive.

The doctor told her they need to perfo a surgery as soon as possible or else they are afraid Vijay won't be able to make it. And the opparation will need a tons of money.

Hearing what the doctor said, Sana's world just collapessed. She lost her thinking ability and sat on the ground, not knowing what to do and feeling helpless.

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