Nothing has been the same

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Some days passed, Vijay took leave from his job and was managing the house and Sana.

After a week or so, he started to go to his works again and kept a house keeper to do all the chores and cooking.

The house keeper used to complete all her work and leave around 7pm to 8pm. Sana used to live alone in that house till midnight. When her father comes home she heats up the food and serves him.

Most of the days he wouldn't eat. He would come home drunk and beat Sana and blame her that Parvati left because of Sana.

He used to beat him so badly that Sana would have cuts in her body.

Sana would try to protect herself but Vijay would pull her by her hair and throw her in the ground that beat her with a belt.

She used to cry to sleep. Sana would cry everyday and all day.

At a point. Sana was numb.

Sana could not feel her body aching anymore. Sana would not cry anymore. She would always wear long sleeve dresses to hide her wounds.

She accepted her fate.

Sana knew her father will always beat her. She knew what her mother has to go through. She understood why her mother left her and her dad.

Sana believed that Vijay was crazy. She believed that her dad is insane, because a normal human would not beat a little baby like that.

Sana used to go to school alone and also come back alone. She did not have any friends at school or anywhere. She never went outside of house.

She used to watch other kids payling in the park, giggling around. But her dad would be very angry if she goes outside of house. In her dad's fear, Sana never went out or played with other child.

She used to blame her luck and fortune and God.

She grew up as a serious child. She never knew to smile or laugh at jokes. She always used to take everything seriously. If someone did anything jokingly or told her anything jokingly, she would take that seriously.

Sana grew up not smiling or laughing.

Later when Sana started to go to high school:~

One day, she was sitting on the last corner bench, looking outside of the windows. The birds are crimping on trees outside of the school campus. It was all silent so she could hear the sound of the birds even though the birds were far away.

She was looking outside hoping that she could run away from her abusive father. A tear fell from her eyes as she had a flashback of the previous night. She pulled the sleeves of her hoodie to cover the scars of ther wrist and arms.

Suddenly she heard her class teacher, Ms.Bose saying " Good morning everyone, today we have a new transferred student with us. Everybody Please welcome our new student Neel Biswas". "Neel please introduce yourself" She continued.

"Hello everyone myself Neel Biswas. I am a new student here. Please take care of me and forgive me if I make any mistakes or offend anyone" Said Neel.

"Ok Neel so you can sit next to Sana" Said Ms. Bose.

Hearing her name, Sana suddenly jerked as she was shocked.

"Sana please raise your hand. " The class teacher said.

So did Sana.

The boy named Neel went and sat next to Sana. He tried to shake his hands with Sana but she ignored him.

After some days Sana started talking to Neel as no one used to talk to him. And Sana felt sorry for him. So she started to talk to him. Every student of that class were in pure shock that Sana is talking to a human. As Sana was the quitest human being in the whole school.

Slowly both of them (Sana and Neel) became friends.

Sana only used to talk to Neel, same goes for Neel.

Just in some months they became best friends.

One day after school Sana and Neel both went on a park. They both sat down in the grass and looked at the sunset. It was beautiful. It was pin drop silent between them. Until Sana broke that and spoke up  " Do you know, my favourite colour is blue which in bengali is Neel. "

Neel giggled. Sana frowned and asked him why he was giggling and Neel replied " That's why I am your favourite. Right? "

Sana got shy and said " I never said you are my best friend. You just get me always. You understand me, you care for me. You are different than everyone I know. " Sana lied down on the grass.

Neel looked at her and said " You too. You were the only person who talked to me when no one was talking to me ".

Listening to Neel, Sana putting her hand below her head. That's when Neel noticed a lot of scars on Sana's wrist. He got scared. He dicided to ask Sana about her scars.

Neel said " Sana, what happens to your hand? ".

Sana quickly got up and covered her hand. She replied" Nothing. It's nothing. Nothing to worry about. "

"It's ok Sana you can tell me, tell me what happed? " Said Neel.

Sana started to tear up and told Neel everything. Neel pulled Sana into a hug and hugged her tightly. Sana cried in Neel's arms.

They spent a lot of time together, Hugging each other.

In the evening they got up to go to their respective homes and one last time Neel grabed Sana's hand and pulled her into a big tight hug. Burring his face in Sana's neck. Saying some comforting words, they both bid each other good byes.

It hasn't been 5 minutes and Sana was already missing Neel. She did not have any personal phones. So she couldn't contact Neel. But she hoped to see him in school so she had dinner , like everyday.

That night Vijay came home a bit early, all sober. Vijay also didn't beat up Sana that night. Sana was pretty shocked at her father's behaviour.

Vijay called his daughter and Sana came out of her room. Vijay hugged his daughter and asked her to forgive him for all the pain he gives Sana. Sana was still, not saying a single word. Vijay tried a lot to make Sana say something. Nothing worked.

Vijay gave up and went to sleep. As he lost his appetite to eat anything.

As soon as Vijay left the place, Sana broke into tears and cried continuously, On the couch. She did not go to their bedroom to sleep.

The next day when Vijay woke up, Sana already woke up, had breakfast and also went to school.

This thing continued for a while

Sana grew a strong feeling towards Neel and Neel also knew it. Even Neel had the same feelings for Sana.

They both got closer and closer to each other.

They got in their senior year in high school and everyone started to ship them and everyone believed that they both are dating.

Sana decided that she will propose to Neel on their graduation day.

And after a lot of waiting , that day finally came. And to Sana's surprise, Neel proposed Sana in front of the whole school.

Every student of their school made a circle and made Sana stand in the middle. Neel came with a big bouquet of flowers and kneel down in front of Sana and proposed to her to be his girlfriend.

And Sana happily accepted his proposal. Sana was so happy that she started to cry. Everything changed after Neel came into her life.

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