Bid Adieu!

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I have finally spilled every single piece of my lucid daydreams. All the lost hope, the excruciating process of healing, the bitterness I've struggled to let go of, the numbing pain of my past- they all led me here.

It has been an incredible ride, and it's not without its trials. Looking back, I've seen how much I've grown over the years. I've seen how much I've learned, and how much I've gained. The truth is, I could never get myself to regret the mistakes I've done in the past, for they made me who I am today.

From this moment, I could only hope that forgiveness would at last come easy every single time. And I pray, everyone would feel the same.

I am not perfect and I will never be, I know that now. But there's no one I'd rather be but me- perfectly flawed. And remember, you are not perfect too. You will hurt me, I will hurt you, and we owe it to ourselves to forgive. I have. I always will.

So, to past me who wrote the pieces in this book years ago, I hope you know that we have finally found the peace we've always been looking for. I hope you know that at long last, we're okay.

Now, on to the next...

All the love,
Engr. Rich Tengco Calingasan (MD)

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