0.5: Introduction

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3rd person POV:

"We've been to the movies, we've been around the world, and this season we're going right back to where it all began at Camp Wawanakwa!" The host, Chris McLean narrated to the audience while standing on the dock of shame."I'm Chris McLean, and as you can see, things have changed since we've been away," he said walking over to one of his interns then suddenly the nearby sign broke and fell to the docks breaking some parts of it. "And by change, I mean gotten really, really dangerous!" He said taking a drink from the tray the intern was holding out for his boss. Then suddenly from out of nowhere a massive tentacle rose out of the lake and proceeded to smash down on the dock exactly where the intern was standing minutes ago. Chris chuckled.

"Good stuff, but the rules of the game remain the same. A handful of unsuspecting teens will bunk with complete strangers, air their dirty laundry in our outhouse confessional, and compete in life threatening challenges all over the island, and risk being voted off. Last one standing wins one...Million...Dollars!!!" Chris announced.

"Speaking of our cast, here they come now!" Chris said, as a speedboat carrying all of the original campers drove past him. He waved to them as they passed by.

"NOOOO!!!" Owen, (one of the original contestants) cried.

"No, not them. This season, we've got all new players fighting for the million, and here they come now. For real," Chris said, indicating on a second speed boat coming toward the island.

"Meet Jo," Chris said, introducing the new contestants.

"Stay out of my way if you value your kiwis," A tall, muscular girl with blond hair, wearing what was basically prison clothes told a ginger guy in a white tank top.

"Scott," Chris continued, introducing Scott.

"Right back at ya," He said, before smelling his armpit.

"Zoey and Mike,"

"Can you believe we're here?" a girl with red hair in pigtails asked, bumping an Italian guy with a blue top in the arm with her elbow.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," Mike smiled at Zoey.

"Lightning," A buff football player with dark skin pushed both Mike and Zoey aside, before in the camera's way.

"Hello gorgeous!" He smiled before kissing his bicep.

"Brick," Chris said, indicating a guy with a black crew cut, dressed in a military green top, who had caught a dazed looking Zoey.

"Brick McArthur reporting for duty," Brick said, saluting, accidentally dropping Zoey who yelped before she hit the ground.

"B," Chris said, indicating a smug, quiet, rather rotund guy who happily pointed at the camera as if to say Hi. He was wearing a wide gray jacket with an orange hoodie underneath and an orange cap.

"And Dawn," Chris said, introducing a girl with pale skin and equally pale blond hair. She was wearing a green sweater, black skirt, and a pair of purple leggings.

"Your aura is exceptionally purplish-green," Dawn said, touching B's arm, he gave her a slightly freaked out look. "Oh, it suits you though," she reassured him, this made B smile.

"Dakota," Chris continued. Introducing a blond girl with tan skin, she was dressed in a pink fit, and had sunglasses.

"Hey there," Dakota giggled before she started to introduce herself again. "Dakota here, and I'm here to wi-" she was cut off by the camera panning away.

"Anne Maria," Chris introduced a girl with basically orange skin, a massive poofy hairdo and a hot pink crop-top.

"Oh, yeah three more coats ought to do it," Anne Maria said, spraying her hair.

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