2: Truth or Laser Shark

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Elena POV:

The next morning I woke up and after I got up I started getting dressed. I was just doing up my shoelaces when I heard a hair dryer was being used. Looking up I saw Anne Maria was using the hair dryer and a hairbrush at the same time. Turning my head I saw Jo leave for a run.

"Is that all this girl knows how to do?" I thought to myself, after I tied my shoes. I took out my diary. I wrote about how two out of the three girls in my cabin were already driving me crazy. I looked up and saw Zoey approaching Anne Maria, still busy doing her poof.

"Hey!" Zoey yelled through the hair dryer's sound, Anne Maria opened her eyes and stopped using the dryer. "How'd you sneak that in?" the red-haired girl asked.

"Easy, I stuck it in my poof," Anne Maria said, putting her brush and dryer in her hair and taking out a bottle of hairspray. Zoey and I gave her totally dumbfounded expressions. Then the Donald Trump wannabe started spraying the cloud on her head. While she made Zoey choke on the white spray.

Confessional: Elena:

"I'm gonna be honest, in the first two days of being here. I've been blown up, thrown off a totem, been shot at by laser squirrels and choked by Anne Maria. But if I get that million it'll be worth it," I said, annoyed.

End Confessional

Just as I was stepping out of the cabin I heard a horn go off.

"Up and at 'em my little morning glories!" Chris said from his four-wheeler, as both teams gathered around him. Seeing Cameron I shot him a smile and he smiled back. "It's time for today's challenge!" Chris announced.

"What?!" Lightning objected. "But Lightning hasn't had his D.P.A!" he whined. The rest of his team were just as confused as I was as they stared at him.

"Huh?" Sam questioned.

"Daily protein alignment, duh!" Lightning stated as if it was obvious.

"And I haven't had enough beauty sleep," Dakota complained, wearing her sunglasses.

"Come on you look- GREAT SONS OF ORION!" Sam yelled as he saw her red eyes with her massive bags underneath Dakota's eyes. She looked a lot like Eeyore

"You can catch up on your sleep after the challenge!" Chris smugly smiled. "Right this way to the bay of dismay," he announced, as we all groaned in reply. Dakota then pulled out a phone.

"Hey it's me! We're going to some bay of- Hey!" Dakota yelled as Chris took her phone away with a magnet on a screen. He then did the same with Sam's GameGuy.

"Contraband! Now it's mine! Confiscators keepers," Chris smiled at a miserable Dakota and Sam. "Come on! Your humiliation awaits. By the way, one more thing, you know that idol I hid yesterday, turns out it was found minutes after it was hidden," Chis announced as all of us glared at the ground. Outside I also glared. Inside I smirked. "Now move out!" Chris announced.

A few minutes later we were walking through the woods on our way to the bay. I was walking next to Cameron and Jo.

"Bay of dismay? Yikes! Sounds like one of those fight locations in total warriors two," Zoey remarked.

"You like action movies? If you're into ultimate kick-boxing I may have to marry you," Mike joked as he and Zoey smiled. I saw Dakota and Sam awkwardly talk to each other. It was unexpected but cute. But I continued walking alongside Jo and Cameron.

"I hope this isn't another physical challenge. I prefer something a little more academic," Cameron explained.

"I bet you do toothpick. I'm surprised your scrawny neck can even support that giant head," Jo told Cam. I wasn't taking any of her crap so I decided to stand up for him. But Cam beat me to it.

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