1: Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!

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Elena POV:

After the ship blew up, I felt myself hit a watery surface. I was in the lake, feeling the need for air I swam to the surface, and as I got my head out of the water I breathed a massive breath. Looking around I saw the other contestants were swimming to the island. So I started doing the same. I soon caught up with Anne Maria and saw she was fueled by rage. I then suddenly saw Cameron fall from the sky onto the ground and painfully slink into the water. Worried I began to swim toward him, as Scott passed him ignoring his pleas I marked the ginger fuck as a target for future elimination. But right now I had to focus on helping Cameron. Then looking back over I saw Lightning lift Cameron into the air. And wow, he is strong. Soon enough I caught up with Tanne Maria.

"Oh it's you," she said, annoyed.

"Watch it poofy," I replied.

"You watch it! Dreadsy!" she said the two of us stared daggers at each other. Suddenly I heard a boom near the back and then the next thing I knew Cameron flew at us, he hit Anne Maria's hair which gave a loud metallic thud sound before the kid fell to the water. I looked on in disbelief as Anne Maria yelled.

"Hey! No touching the hair four-eyes!" before she swam away spraying hair spray again. I gasped seeing bubbles come to the surface.

"Could you at least try to have some semblance of basic empathy?" I asked her before diving underwater. I saw Cameron sinking and swam after him. I caught up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and then started to swim to the surface. I held the boy to the surface and he breathed a sigh of air, and relief. I soon did the same.

"Thank you," Cameron said.

"Don't worry about it, do you think you can swim to the beach?" I asked, pointing at it.

"Um, no," he said, a bit downtrodden.

"Well, no prob, I can help you get there," I said. I then flipped around and held my hands under his armpits and began to swim backstroke onto shore. As I reached the beach I pulled Cameron onto the sand as he coughed up a bit of water. I looked around and saw I'd arrived just after B.

Confessional: Elena:

"Cameron seems like he could use some help, and I love helping people. Also seeing others pick on him pisses me off. So that's where I'll bring the drama, I just won't bring it to people I like," I said winking at the camera.

End Confessional

I sat down on a nearby rock and began letting my hair dry in the sun. A few minutes later ten of us had shown up and we were still awaiting the last four. I had finished wringing out my clothes and was now just keeping my hands over my ears so I didn't have to listen to Miss Staci chatterbox. Though muffled I could still hear her say:

"Yeah and my great-great-great uncle Boris invented swimming. Before him people just swung their arms around like this and sank to the bottom," Staci said, flailing her arms around. I didn't know whether to be annoyed or amazed. Annoyed because this girl didn't know when to shut up. And amazed with the fact that she thought we actually cared. Then it started again.

"And my great-great-great-great-great-" Staci was cut off by Mike who was looking dreamily at Zoey.

"Yeah, that's great," he said before suddenly Sam washed up on shore and laid on the beach still holding his Gameguy. Then he coughed up a fish which flopped around. After a few more minutes of trying to warm up Zoey spoke up.

"So stoked to be here, I've been watching total drama forever. Who knows maybe I'll even make some new friends," she smiled.

"Yes that would be good considering you were an only child and all," Dawn said.

Total Drama Revenge of the Island OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now