3: Ice, Ice Baby

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Elena POV:

I was up early on the next day of the challenge, after checking I still had the Chris head, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. And after wrapping up there I left to go to the cafeteria to have some quote-unquote "breakfast". Upon arrival I grabbed a bowl of white gruel and a spoon. I sat to the right of Anne Maria. As we were eating I heard Sam coughing. I looked up and saw he'd spat out all of the gruel in his mouth all over Scott. I smirked as I turned my head back to my bowl. Before I heard a bowl being thrown at Sam. As I tried to keep my laughter from escaping, I was rudely reminded why sitting next to Spray-on-skin was a bad idea, when she started to choke me and Cameron with her toxic hair spray. He and I loudly started coughing.

"Sorry guys, but on the upside now your lungs are waterproof," Anne Maria said as if that was something to be happy about.

"Wow thanks," Cameron wheezed.

"Look could you maybe stop using spray when you're around other people?" I asked.

"Nah, my poof needs to be kept in tip-top condition," she said, continuing to eat and spray. Furrowing my eyebrows I knocked on her "poof" with my knuckles and a metallic clang was heard, as my eyes widened.

Confessional: Elena:

"Diamonds are less durable than that poof she has on her head," I said deadpan.

End Confessional

I turned to my right and saw Jo and Brick engage in an eating competition. Trying to shove as much gruel into their mouths as possible. I raised an eyebrow, getting concerned and for the right reason when I saw Brick accidentally throw his spoon into his mouth. He started choking on the spoon as it was lodged in pretty deep.

"Easy jarhead, don't wet your panties," Jo said before punching the back of Brick's throat which made him up-chuck the spoon which flew at Mike.

"I like waffles too," he smiled at Zoey before the spoon hit him in the back of the head. "Ow," he said, annoyed before breathing deeply. "Darn kids! Back in my day we ate with our hands like decent folk!" Chester lectured us. I rolled my eyes and went back to picking at the gruel in my bowl. Zoey laughed at Mike/Chester.

"You're hilarious," she complimented. "Unless you're not joking but you are right?" she asked nervously, laughing.

Confessional: Elena:

"Mike's a weird one, the way he's always changing is odd. But it helped us win our last challenge so who knows, how else he can help. And Zoey's a total sweetheart, so it's great I've got her as not just an ally but as a friend too," I said.

End Confessional

Mike then breathed deeply and stopped imitating Chester, Jo then decided to speak up.

"Lose the old man impression offends my sense of victory. But your Russian gymnast Svetlana, how do you summon such strength and precision?" she asked.

"Yeah how? It's seriously impressive," I told him genuinely.

"Uh thanks Elena, but I uh rehearse a lot in front of my mirror. Da!" he said in Svetlana's voice before nervously laughing. I raised a brow but I went back to picking at the white stuff in my bowl. I looked back at the rats' table and saw Lightning do the same.

"There's got to be some protein in here," he said before putting his spoon in his mouth. Immediately he started coughing and choking. He stood up trying to get out what was stuck in his throat.

"Don't worry, I'll save you," Dawn said, walking over to him before she did the heimlich maneuver on Lightning. It took a few tugs but eventually he spat out a mutant cockroach. It hissed as it lay on the cafeteria floor. Gross, Dawn ever the animal lover picked up the roach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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