Chapter 5

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I STEPPED OUT THE DOOR, READY FOR A QUIET WALK TO SCHOOL. But when I stepped out I saw two girls standing across from my house leaning against the wall waiting for me, Simone and Michele.

Simone whistled at me "I like your look." It wasn't very different from what I would normally wear, but this time I had taken precautions, no more white blouses for a while. I was wearing a dark red blouse and a black skirt which was a little shorter than usual, and my mother had let me borrow a pair of her heels. I definitely felt more confident than yesterday.

A small smile appeared on my face, "Bonjour." I waved at them.

"We wanted to walk with you to school, and see how you were doing after yesterday. You didn't show up for the remaining lessons."

I nodded softly "I just felt embarrassed. But I'm fine now." Simone rubbed my shoulder.

"And how are you?" I asked Michele as her dress was more soaked than mine was. "I mean at first I wanted to leave school as well but then Descamps got what he deserved so it was fine."

Got what he deserved I questioned myself in my head, "Wait did I miss something? what happened with Descamps?"

After that I had to listen to a whole story about how two fifth year boys one being Michele's handsome brother beat up some of the boys in our class. Descamps got hit in his eye and his glasses broke taking out his eye. I was shocked, I hated him but him losing his eye made me feel a little sorry for him. But then again if it happened to me he would probably bully me about it for the rest of my school years. Maybe this would humble him a bit.

It was definitely not a quiet walk to school, Simone informed me on everything that I missed at school, and how she got a huge purple bruise from working out this morning to prepare for our first PE lesson.

I laughed at that, I didn't mind her rambling and I was very happy with my new friends.

We walked on the school grounds and Simone greeting almost everyone, I just smiled and walked along.

"If my brother gets expelled.." Michele's head dropping.

"Don't worry. He's not going to be." Simone reassured cutting her off.

"Have you forgotten about Descamps?" Michelle stated reminding us on how bad it was.

"I mean he did lose an eye." I remarked.

"I know but there is one good thing, Descamps is at home recovering so the teachers won't see him. Who will they see though, Jean-Pierre and Louis." She explained.

Who is Louis I thought to myself. Was he the other boy who stood up for us, I scanned our surroundings trying to find the group of fifth year boys. Looking if one of them had bruises on their face besides Jean-Pierre, My eyes landed on a boy who was stood next to Jean-Pierre. From afar i could see he had a small bruise on his cheekbone. He caught my eye and gave me a warm understanding smile, I returned the smile grateful that him and Jean-Pierre stood up for us even though they were now facing possible expulsion.

I almost bumped into Michele as we suddenly stopped walking, I wasn't really focused on what they were saying before so I didn't really understand on why we suddenly stood still. Until I looked up and saw everyone staring at something behind us.

I slowly turned around looking behind me, it was Descamps and his one eye was covered in a bandage.

"Oh shit."I blurted out.

We were all quieter then normal, there was an uncomfortable atmosphere in the classroom. I saw Michele looking a few times at Descamps with pity in her eyes. I was afraid to look even though I could feel his eyes on me from time to time and I felt extremely uncomfortable as he was sat just a few tables away.

"Very well. We'll pick up the battle of the Marn tomorrow and decide who is to be class captain." Miss Giraud's words made me focus back again on the lesson. To be honest most of the lessons at this school made me lose focus and start daydreaming. I had always been a smart girl but I was having trouble keeping up with the lessons.

Felbec stood up with a haste.

"Yes, Felbec?

"All my old teachers always chose me to be captain of the class." The class started laughing at his statement.

I rolled my eyes, we get it you're smart.

"I'm not like your old teachers Felbec, with me you'll have to earn it."

"Whoever can tell me the date of the battle of Marathon in class this afternoon, will become class leader."

I saw Felbec glare at Annick knowing she would be his competition.

I walked outside trailing behind Simone and Michele. I wasn't really paying attention on anything, I spent almost the whole day daydreaming. I was pulled back to reality when somebody bumped into me trying to get past me. I looked up and saw Descamps.

"Nice skirt. A little short but I'm not complaining." He laughed with his friends as he walked by. Simone and Michelle glaring.

"Oh thanks, I was almost afraid you wouldn't be able to see it. " I said sarcastically while nodding at his missing eye.

"Don't worry, I've already seen everything." he exclaimed hinting at the event containing water from the day before. his friends started laughing even more as they walked away

I scoffed, how dare he .Obviously he hadn't changed, his missing eye only filled his ego even more. "What a dickhead." Michele stated and I nodded my head.

I spotted the fifth year boy standing with Jean-Pierre. Michele and Simone walked up tot them so I followed.

While Jean-Pierre Was taking to Michele I took my chance to thank the other boy who I was told was named Louis.

"I wanted to thank you for yesterday. I wasn't there but I heard what happened." I gave him a smile and eventually his mouth also curved into a smile.

"I hope you didn't get into much trouble."

"No worries, I only got a few detentions but let's hope Jean-Pierre won't get into much trouble." I nodded in response.

Simone was definitely right about the fifth year boys.

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