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"Hope is the light in the darkness, and the shadow that follows you in the light"



Karna had walked Vrishali to her home , in the Sutasamaja . That particular locality of Dharmasthali is where all the people who found servitude as means of living resided .

Sathyasena's house wasn't far from the temple complex's southern exit. The Suta samaj clustered right beside the southern wall of the temple complex, along with the market area which mainly sold daily groceries.

Karna and Vrishali was walking past it ,
Karna , you shouldn't be uncomfortable about who you are .
My Father always says that we all are different and special in our own way.
Don't give importance to the boys who tride to bully you , they are not worth your time or effort.
Vrishali said out of blue.
Karna turned his attention to her and nodded in agreement, with a small but genuine smile.

Do you have to continue this task tomorrow as well?!
Vrishali asked , her voice had a shade of dismay.
Karna nodded a 'yes' once again. Vrishali sighed heavily. Karna slightly squeezed her palm, that was held in his, to assure her that, it was fine. She smiled at him. The misunderstanding about him, almost completely leaving  her heart.

Let's get your wounds treated, come in.
Vrishali invited him inside , as they reached her home.
Karna shook his head in a violent no.
And he smiled and gestured that he was fine and she should go home.
She kinda understood what he was trying to say, but not entirely.

She mused aloud.

Putri, Vrishali ! Where have you been child. It's past dusk. We were so worried.
Vrishali's mother , a woman in her late 20's came to Vrishali in a haste .

I am sorry to worry you Mata , it's just things didn't go as we planned. And this is Karna.
Vrishali said , and introduced her friend to her mother.

Oo.. Karna, that's so sweet of you dear boy , you troubled to come all the way to leave her home. Thankyou child.
Vrishali's mother said lovingly.

Karna bowed his head and gestured her to not thank him ,as it was something he was supposed to do.

I think he is trying to tell you to not thank him , for something he was supposed to do. Isn't it Karna?!
Vrishali guessed her friend's language once again. Karna nodded yes, with a bright smile.
He bowed once again and greeted them properly before he started to walk away, and Vrishali waved at his stubborn leaving figure. Who limped , yet humbly refused to receive any hospitality.

Tritheya , Dharmasthali

Walking aimlessly for a few meters , Karna's feet stumbled. He took seat on the extended Varantha of a house that was near. He felt thirsty after a long day of jumping after a sack of sand.
How Ironic!...
He sighed heavily. He desperately needed some water. There was a door bell hanging at the door of the same house. He thought of ringing it and asking for some water , then again he wasn't sure if they would understand his 'way with the words'. So he decided against it.

But like his destiny, unexpectedly the door opened and a woman stepped out of her humble home.
Karna got startled and looked at the direction of the sound , the door. There stood a woman in her early 30's , she had a lamp in her hand , that dimly lighted a restricted range of it's surroundings , and was helpful enough for them to see eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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