From The Rose Garden To The Beach

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In a tiny garden where aqua and teal roses bloom,

There is an arch fit for a happy bride and her groom

I wonder under it in my mint green spring dress,

So regal with arctic blue slippers for a princess

As prim as I can be in a garden of spring and summer flair,

There can still be intimidation towards my kind out there

But vowing to meet the one at the seashore,

I know I do not have to be scared anymore

Through the spear top gate and down the wooden staircase

Is where I stroll at my own lovestruck pace

Harmonising with my footsteps is the beating of my heart

As I strongly vow to not let anything break us apart

I leave my slippers on a step as if I fled from a ball

I gallop across the sand, caught by his siren-like call

On the rock he sits as I yearn for more undying loyalty

His dream-like presence holds more value than wealth and royalty

Purple striped seashells are scattered near the splashing waves

His company beyond the aquatic depths is what I always crave

The crisp water may make my pale lower legs freeze,

But our love remains warmer than the sunset breeze

The ocean is almost chocolatey under the fiery sky,

Yet there is still a tint of summery daytime in his eyes

My merman with a tail as black as the rarest sand

He takes a gentlemanly hold of my dainty hand

Always adoring me just the way I am,

He pops a question and a pearl ring from a clam

My cheeks go as rosy as the carol daisies on the hill

For the love he has given me, of course I will

And with a gentle grasp of my hips,

He titters and tenderly kisses my lips

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now