No Pets Allowed...Ever

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A huge part of my life was callously snatched away

A curse caused her to physically and mentally decay

The second born has moved out of the remains of the nest

Still sheltered, I can only sigh and write my best

But while others are happy playing fetch with their dogs,

No one is reading what I have to state on my blogs

How I wish the two big gaps can be filled

And my mental well-being can be rebuilt

But there is no chance of a loveable new addition

That would be around to provide some new ambition

I gave up a job that was not paying well enough

And the first Winter break without her warmth was rough

Not a strand of fur so soft against my palm

Not a purr during a cuddle to keep me calm

Sadly, a certain fur might make me wheeze

And in about a minute, it would make me sneeze,

Which leaves me less human, compared to owners,

But even a snake could be a happiness donor

It has been four years and not even a goldfish

I am still nowhere near granting one simple wish

We used to have goldfish back in the good old days,

But without aquatic colours, there is only grey

But if only that colour would encase a furry friend

By my side as so much more than a trend

Yes, a pet is a want, not a need,

Something to always clean and feed

But I feel like I need a new friend this year

Because I am this close to shedding another tear

Everyone I know has a pet to love,

But on the list, I have none of the above

No snake, mouse or puppy to hold on weekends

I cannot even go and see a neighbour's little friend

Close to drowning in a second wave of grief,

I am craving for a critter to repay my care with relief

The garden is too small for a stable for a horse

Not a turtle or a ferret as the rule is enforced

It is because I apparently do not have the time...

And it seems like giving me a pet would be a "crime",

But I swear that I will take care of one with all my might

As I woke up from another dream about her last night

There is still mostly blankness on my life's next page

It is me instead of a little birdie in a cage

Anything that pees and poops I am forbidden to own,

But cleaning up messes would be better than being alone

As financial fear in this nation keeps me chained,

The isolation and hopelessness increase the pain

I am aware of how much a cute companion would cost,

But I desperately long for some gain for what I have lost

Feeling weak, stupid, talentless, and fat,

I will never have a hamster, a bunny or a cat

I will never have a guinea pig or even a goldfish

There is no chance of granting this heartbroken girl's wish

Always alone and forever a loner,

I will never, ever become a pet owner

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now