A Passionate Picnic

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Two tints of pink, neon and rose
On my new dress as I strike a pose
Pastel blue flats fit for a princess
And the ambition of an authoress
My rosy bronze nails with royal purple tips
Two streaks of glimmering gloss on my lips
Just one more thing to complete this girl;
A simple necklace of small freshwater pearls
With a single emblem in the shape of a flower
My darling shall arrive in a quarter of an hour

He comes in a leather jacket so denim blue
And his shades in a mysterious black hue
Our love is blooming in the beginning of Spring,
Getting closer and closer to a pair of wedding rings
We flow together like two seas in a different shade
They do not mix, but are still matched as one wade
Past the white blossom trees we happily stroll,
I once again sense that beam of love through my soul
As two distanced dogs play catch with a stick,
We spot the perfect place to have our picnic

He rolls out the picnic blanket on the glistening grass
As I hold the basket of food in our own first class
From the sandwiches to the vanilla cupcakes,
We make the most of one of these special breaks,
Surrounded by buttercups in a summery hue
And under the nearly cloudless sky so blue
Thankful for this burgundy rose,
I bring its delicate petals to my nose
Thankful for all the cuddles, kisses and such,
My darling Tommy bear, I love you so much

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now